Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- o -
- object:didChangeBoundsFrom:
: <DKObjectStorage>
- objectAtIndex:
: DKExpression
- objectBringForward:
: DKObjectDrawingLayer
- objectBringToFront:
: DKObjectDrawingLayer
- objectDidBecomeSelected
: DKDrawableObject
- objectDidChangeVisibility:
: <DKObjectStorage>
- objectDidNotifyStatusChange:
: DKDrawing
, DKViewController
- objectEnumerator
: DKExpression
- objectEnumeratorForUpdateRect:inView:
: DKObjectOwnerLayer
- objectEnumeratorForUpdateRect:inView:options:
: DKObjectOwnerLayer
- objectForKey:
: DKCategoryManager
- objectForKey:addToRecentlyUsedItems:
: DKCategoryManager
- objectFromPrototype
: DKObjectCreationTool
- objectInColorStopsAtIndex:
: DKGradient
- objectInLayersAtIndex:
: DKLayerGroup
- objectInObjectsAtIndex:
: DKObjectOwnerLayer
, <DKObjectStorage>
- objectInRenderListAtIndex:
: DKRastGroup
- objectInSelectedAvailableObjectsAtIndex:
: DKObjectDrawingLayer
- objectIsNoLongerSelected
: DKDrawableObject
- objectIsValid
: DKDrawableObject
- objectMayBecomeSelected
: DKDrawableObject
- objects
: DKObjectOwnerLayer
, <DKObjectStorage>
- objects:wereDraggedFromPoint:toPoint:
: DKObjectOwnerLayer
- objectsAtIndexes:
: DKObjectOwnerLayer
, <DKObjectStorage>
- objectsAvailableForGroupingFromArray:
: DKShapeGroup
- objectsContainingPoint:
: <DKObjectStorage>
- objectSendBackward:
: DKObjectDrawingLayer
- objectSendToBack:
: DKObjectDrawingLayer
- objectsForUpdateRect:inView:
: DKObjectOwnerLayer
- objectsForUpdateRect:inView:options:
: DKObjectOwnerLayer
- objectsInCategories:
: DKCategoryManager
- objectsInCategory:
: DKCategoryManager
- objectsInRect:
: DKObjectOwnerLayer
- objectsIntersectingPoint:
: DKBSPDirectTree
- objectsIntersectingRect:
: DKBSPDirectTree
- objectsIntersectingRect:inView:options:
: <DKObjectStorage>
- objectsIntersectingRects:count:inView:
: DKBSPDirectTree
- objectsReturning:toSelector:
: DKObjectOwnerLayer
- objectsSortedByHorizontalPosition:
: DKObjectDrawingLayer
, DKObjectDrawingLayer(Alignment)
- objectsSortedByVerticalPosition:
: DKObjectDrawingLayer
, DKObjectDrawingLayer(Alignment)
- objectsWithStyle:
: DKObjectOwnerLayer
- objectValue
: DKMetadataItem
- objectWasAddedToLayer:
: DKDrawableObject
- objectWasRemovedFromLayer:
: DKDrawableObject
- objectWasUngrouped
: DKDrawableObject
- observableKeyPaths
: GCObservableObject
- observableWasAdded:
: DKRastGroup
- observableWillBeRemoved:
: DKRastGroup
- octagon
: DKShapeFactory
- offset
: DKDrawableObject
, Geom::Translate
- offsetByX:byY:
: DKDistortionTransform
- offsetLocationByX:byY:
: DKDrawableObject
- offsetPathWithStartingOffset2:endingOffset:
: NSBezierPath(Geometry)
- offsetPathWithStartingOffset:endingOffset:
: NSBezierPath(Geometry)
- oldArrayValueForKeyPath:
: GCObservableObject
- oneShotComplete
: NSObject(OneShotDelegate)
- oneShotHasReached:
: NSObject(OneShotDelegate)
- oneShotWillBegin
: NSObject(OneShotDelegate)
- oneShotWithStandardFadeTimeForDelegate:
: GCOneShotEffectTimer
- oneShotWithTime:forDelegate:
: GCOneShotEffectTimer
- opacity
: DKImageAdornment
, DKImageOverlayLayer
- openUndoGroup
: DKToolController
- operation
: DKImageAdornment
- operationMode
: DKDrawableShape
, DKSelectAndEditTool
- operator!=()
: Geom::Rotate
, Geom::Scale
, Geom::Translate
- operator*=()
: Geom::Matrix
, Geom::Point
, Geom::Rotate
- operator+=()
: Geom::Point
- operator-=()
: Geom::Point
- operator/=()
: Geom::Point
- operator<<
: Geom::Point
- operator=()
: Geom::Matrix
, Geom::Point
- operator==()
: Geom::Point
, Geom::Rotate
, Geom::Scale
, Geom::Translate
- operator[]()
: Geom::Matrix
, Geom::Point
, Geom::Scale
, Geom::Translate
- optionalParameter
: DKReshapableShape
- origin
: DKImageAdornment
- originalText
: DKDrawableObject
, DKDrawableObject(DrawkitPrivateMetadata)
- outlineColour
: DKArrowStroke
, DKTextAdornment
- outlineWidth
: DKArrowStroke
, DKTextAdornment
- oval
: DKShapeFactory
- ovalSpeechBalloon:
: DKShapeFactory
- owner
: DKDrawing
, DKHotspot
, DKKnob