Vector and illustration framework for Mac OS X
►NGeom | |
C_NODE | |
C_rgb_triple | |
C_Scanner | |
CDKArcPath | |
CDKArrowStroke | DKArrowStroke is a rasterizer that implements arrowheads on the ends of paths |
CDKAuxiliaryMenus | Most drawables in DK have contextual menus associated with them |
CDKBezierLayoutManager | This subclass of NSLayoutManager captures the laid-out text in a bezier path which it creates |
CDKBezierTextContainer | This class is used by DKTextAdornment to lay out text flowed into an arbitrary shape |
CDKBoundingRectHandle | |
CDKBSPDirectObjectStorage | This uses a similar algorithm to DKBSPObjectStorage but instead of indexing the objects it stores them directly by retaining them in additional arrays within the BSP tree |
CDKBSPDirectTree | Tree object |
CDKBSPIndexTree | Tree object; this stores indexes in mutable index sets |
CDKBSPObjectStorage | The actual storage object |
CDKCategoryManager | The cat manager supports a UI based on menu(s) |
CDKCategoryManagerMenuInfo | Private object used to store menu info - allows efficient management of the menu to match the C/Mgrs contents |
CDKCIFilterRastGroup | Captures the output of its contained renderers in an image |
CDKColorStop | Small object that links a Color with its relative position |
CDKColourQuantizer | Generic interface and simple quantizer which performs uniform quantization |
CDKCropTool | Implements a very simple type of crop tool |
CDKDistortionTransform | This objects performs distortion transformations on points and paths |
C<DKDrawableContainer> | |
CDKDrawableObject | This object is responsible for the visual representation of the selection as well as any content |
CDKDrawableObject(DrawkitPrivateMetadata) | |
CDKDrawableObject(Metadata) | Stores various drawkit private variables in the metadata |
CDKDrawableObject(MetadataDeprecated) | |
CDKDrawablePath | DKDrawablePath is a drawable object that renders a path such as a line or curve (bezigon) |
CDKDrawablePDFView | |
CDKDrawableShape | A semi-abstract base class for a drawable object consisting of any path-based shape that can be drawn to fit a rectangle |
CDKDrawableShape(Hotspots) | A HOTSPOT is an object attached to a shape to provide a direct user-interface for implementing custom actions, etc |
CDKDrawableShape(Utilities) | |
CDKDrawing | A DKDrawing is the model data for the drawing system |
CDKDrawing(Deprecated) | Deprecated methods |
CDKDrawing(Export) | This category provides methods for exporting drawings in a variety of formats, such as TIFF, JPEG and PNG |
CDKDrawing(Paper) | This category on DKDrawing simply supplies some common ISO paper sizes in terms of Quartz point dimensions |
CDKDrawing(UISupport) | Additional methods |
CDKDrawingDocument | This class is a simple document type that owns a drawing instance |
CDKDrawingInfoLayer | This is a DKLayer subclass which is able to draw an information panel in a corner of the drawing |
CDKDrawingTool | DKDrawingTool is the semi-abstract base class for all types of drawing tool |
CDKDrawingTool(Deprecated) | |
CDKDrawingTool(OptionalMethods) | |
C<DKDrawingTool> | |
CDKDrawingView | DKDrawingView is the visible "front end" for the DKDrawing architecture |
CDKDrawingView(DropHandling) | Drag and Drop is extended down to the layer level by this category |
CDKDrawkitInspectorBase | This is a base class for any inspector for looking at DrawKit |
CDKEvaluator | |
CDKExpression | |
CDKExpressionPair | |
CDKFill | A renderer that implements a colour fill with optional shadow |
CDKFillPattern | This object represents a pattern consisting of a repeated motif spaced out at intervals within a larger shape |
CDKGradient | A DKGradient encapsulates gradient/shading drawing |
CDKGradient(DKGradientExtensions) | |
CDKGradient(UISupport) | This category of DKGradient supplies a number of prebuilt gradients that implement a variety of user-interface gradients as found in numerour apps, including Apple's own |
CDKGreekingLayoutManager | This layout manager subclass draws greeking rectangles instead of glyphs, either as entire line fragement rectangles or as glyph rectangles |
CDKGridLayer | This class is a layer that draws a grid like a piece of graph paper |
CDKGuide | |
CDKGuideLayer | A guide layer implements any number of horizontal and vertical guidelines and provides methods for snapping points and rectangles to them |
CDKHandle | DKHandle is a base class for all handles, which are the knobs attached to shapes for interacting with them |
CDKHatching | This class provides a simple hatching fill for a path |
CDKHotspot | |
CDKImageAdornment | This class allows any image to be part of the rendering tree |
CDKImageDataManager | The purpose of this class is to allow images to be archived much more efficiently, by archiving the original data that the image was created from rather than any bitmaps or other uncompressed forms, and to avoid storing multiple copies of the same image |
CDKImageOverlayLayer | This layer type implements a single image overlay, for example for tracing a photograph in another layer |
CDKImageShape | DKImageShape is a drawable shape that displays an image |
CDKInactiveBoundingRectHandle | |
CDKInactiveOffPathPointHandle | |
CDKInactiveOnPathPointHandle | |
CDKKeyedUnarchiver | This class works identically to NSKeyedUnarchiver in every way, except that it can store a reference to the drawing's DKImageDataManager instance |
CDKKnob | Simple class used to provide the drawing of knobs for object selection |
CDKKnob(Deprecated) | |
C<DKKnobOwner> | |
CDKLayer | Drawing layers are lightweight objects which represent a layer |
CDKLayer(Metadata) | Adds some convenience methods for standard meta data attached to a graphic object |
CDKLayer(MetadataDeprecated) | |
CDKLayer(OptionalMethods) | |
CDKLayerGroup | A layer group is a layer which maintains a list of other layers |
CDKLayerPDFView | |
CDKLinearObjectStorage | Basic storage class stores objects in a standard array |
CDKLockedBoundingRectHandle | |
CDKLockedOffPathPointHandle | |
CDKLockedOnPathPointHandle | |
CDKLockedRotationHandle | |
CDKLockedTargetHandle | |
CDKMetadataItem | DKMetadataItems are used to store metadata (attribute) values in user info dictionaries attached to various objects such as layers and drawables |
CDKNullObject | Substitution class for avoiding an exception during dearchiving |
CDKObjectCreationTool | This tool class is used to make all kinds of drawable objects |
CDKObjectDrawingLayer | This layer adds the concept of selection to drawable objects as defined by DKObjectOwnerLayer |
CDKObjectDrawingLayer(Alignment) | This category implements object alignment features for DKObjectDrawingLayer |
CDKObjectDrawingLayer(Duplication) | Some handy methods for implementing various kinds of object duplications |
CDKObjectOwnerLayer | This layer class can be the owner of any number of DKDrawableObjects |
C<DKObjectStorage> | |
CDKOctreeQuantizer | Octree quantizer which does a much better job than DKColourQuantizer |
CDKOffPathPointHandle | |
CDKOnPathPointHandle | |
CDKParser | |
CDKParser(ParserDebugging) | |
CDKPasteboardInfo | This object is archived and added to the pasteboard when copying items within DK |
CDKPathDecorator | This renderer draws the image along the path of another object spaced at <interval> distance |
CDKPathGlyphInfo | |
CDKPathInsertDeleteTool | This tool is able to insert or delete on-path points from a path |
CDKPrintDrawingView | |
CDKQuartzBlendRastGroup | Simple render group subclass that applies the set blend mode to the context for all of the renderers it contains, yielding a wide range of available effects |
CDKQuartzCache | Higher-level wrapper for CGLayer, used to cache graphics in numerous places in DK |
CDKRandom | Returns a random number between 0 and 1 |
CDKRasterizer | Renderers can now have a delegate attached which is able to modify behaviours such as changing the path rendered, etc |
C<DKRasterizer> | |
CDKRastGroup | A rendergroup is a single renderer which contains a list of other renderers |
CDKRegularPolygonPath | Implements a regular polygon and variations of it (stars and other similar shapes) |
C<DKRenderable> | |
CDKReshapableShape | This subclass of DKDrawableShape implements a protocol for obtaining shapes dynamically from a shape provider |
CDKRetriggerableTimer | Implements a one-shot timer that can be repeatedly extended (retriggered) preventing it timing out |
CDKRotationHandle | |
CDKRoughStroke | DKRoughStroke is a stroke rasterizer that randomly varies the stroke width about its nominal set width by some factor |
CDKRouteFinder | This object implements an heuristic solution to the travelling salesman problem |
CDKRuntimeHelper | |
CDKSelectAndEditTool | This tool implements the standard selection and edit tool behaviour (multi-purpose tool) which allows objects to be selected, moved by dragging and to be edited by having their knobs dragged |
CDKSelectionPDFView | These objects are never used to make a visible view |
CDKShapeCluster | A CLUSTER is a specialised form of group |
CDKShapeFactory | This class provides a number of standard shareable paths that can be utilsed by DKDrawableShape |
CDKShapeGroup | This is a group objects that can group any number of shapes or paths |
C<DKStorableObject> | |
CDKStroke | Stroke of a path, and can be added as an attribute of a DKStyle |
CDKStrokeDash | |
CDKStrokeDash(Deprecated) | |
CDKStyle | |
CDKStyle(SimpleAccess) | This category on DKStyle provides some simple accessors if your app only has the most basic use of styles in mind, e |
CDKStyle(TextAdditions) | This adds text attributes to the DKStyle object |
CDKStyleReader | |
CDKStyleRegistry | The style registry is a singleton category manager instance that consolidates styles from a variety of sources into a single app-wide "database" of styles, organised into categories |
CDKSweptAngleGradient | |
CDKSymbol | |
CDKTargetHandle | |
CDKTextAdornment | This renderer allows text to be an attribute of any object |
CDKTextAdornment(Deprecated) | |
CDKTextOnPathGlyphAccumulator | |
CDKTextOnPathGlyphDrawer | |
CDKTextOnPathMetricsHelper | |
CDKTextPath | Very similar to a DKTextShape but based on a path and defaulting to text-on-a-path rendering |
CDKTextShape | Text shapes are shapes that draw text |
CDKTextSubstitutionKey | |
CDKTextSubstitutor | This objects abstracts the text substitution task used by text adornments, et |
CDKToolController | This object is a view controller that can apply one of a range of tools to the objects in the currently active drawing layer |
CDKToolRegistry | DKToolRegistry takes over the tool collection functionality formerly part of DKDrawingTool itself |
CDKUnarchivingHelper | This helper is used when unarchiving to translate class names from older files to their modern equivalents |
CDKUndoManager | This subclass of NSUndoManager can coalesce consecutive tasks that it receives so that only one task is recorded to undo a series of otherwise identical ones |
CDKUniqueID | Utility class generates totally unique keys using CFUUID |
CDKViewController | DKViewController is a basic controller class that sits between a DKDrawingView and the DKDrawing itself, which implements the data model |
CDKZigZagFill | |
CDKZigZagStroke | |
CDKZoomTool | This tool implements a zoom "magnifier" tool |
CGCConcreteUndoTask | |
CGCInfoFloater | This class provides a very simple tooltip-like window in which you can display a short piece of information, such as a single numeric value |
CGCObservableObject | This is used to permit setting up KVO in a simpler manner than comes as standard |
CGCObserverUndoRelay | |
CGCOneShotEffectTimer | This class wraps up a very simple piece of timer functionality |
CGCThreadQueue | |
CGCUndoGroup | |
CGCUndoManager | This class is a public API-compatible replacement for NSUndoManager |
CGCUndoTask | |
CGCZoomView | This is a very general-purpose view class that provides some handy high-level methods for doing zooming |
CGlossParameters | |
CintersectionInfo | |
CNSAffineTransform(DKAdditions) | |
CNSArray(DeepCopy) | |
CNSArray(StringValue) | |
CNSAttributedString(DKAdditions) | These category methods perform high-level text layout |
CNSBezierPath(DKEditing) | This category provides some basic methods for supporting interactive editing of a NSBezierPath object |
CNSBezierPath(Geometry) | |
CNSBezierPath(OAExtensions) | |
CNSBezierPath(PrivateOAExtensions) | |
CNSBezierPath(Shapes) | A category on NSBezierPath for creating various unusual shape paths, particularly for engineering use |
CNSBezierPath(TextOnPath) | |
CNSBitmapImageRep(CoreImage) | |
CNSColor(DKAdditions) | |
CNSColor(DKGradientExtensions) | |
CNSColor(DKStyleExpressions) | |
CNSColor(StringValue) | |
CNSData(Checksum) | |
CNSDate(StringValue) | |
CNSDictionary(DeepCopy) | Implements a deep copy of a dictionary and array |
CNSDictionary(StringValue) | |
CNSDictionary(StructEncoding) | |
CNSFont(DKUnderlineCategory) | |
CNSImage(CoreImage) | |
CNSImage(DKAdditions) | |
CNSMutableArray(DeepCopy) | |
CNSMutableArray(DKAdditions) | |
CNSMutableAttributedString(DKAdditions) | |
CNSObject(BezierElementIterationDelegate) | |
CNSObject(BezierPlacement) | |
CNSObject(CategoryManagerMenuItemDelegate) | |
CNSObject(categoryManagerMergeDelegate) | |
CNSObject(DeepCopy) | |
CNSObject(DKArrowSrokeDimensioning) | Informal protocol for requesting dimension information from an object |
CNSObject(DKDrawingDelegate) | Delegate methods |
CNSObject(DKExpressionSupport) | |
CNSObject(DKHotspotDelegate) | |
CNSObject(DKMetadataItemConversions) | |
CNSObject(DKParserProtocols) | |
CNSObject(DKRendererDelegate) | |
CNSObject(DKRouteFinderProgressDelegate) | |
CNSObject(DKStyleRegistryDelegate) | |
CNSObject(DKToolDelegate) | The drawing tool protocol must be implemented by all tools that can be used to operate on a drawing |
CNSObject(GraphicsAttributes) | |
CNSObject(OneShotDelegate) | |
CNSObject(SelectionToolDelegate) | |
CNSObject(StringValue) | This category allows -stringValue to be called on a broader range of objects than standard - in fact any object |
CNSObject(StyleRegistrySubstitution) | |
CNSObject(TaperPathDelegate) | |
CNSObject(TextLayoutProtocol) | |
CNSObject(TextOnPathPlacement) | |
CNSSet(StringValue) | |
CNSShadow(DKAdditions) | Big annoyance with NSShadow is that it ignores the current CTM when it is set, meaning that as a drawing is scaled, the shadow stays fixed |
CNSShadow(DKStyleExpressions) | |
CNSString(DKAdditions) | |
CNSString(StringValue) | |
CNSValue(StringValue) | |
CNSView(DKGradientExtensions) | |
►COABezierPathIntersection | |
COABezierPathIntersectionList | |
COABezierPathPosition | |
COAdPoint | |
Cpix_int | |
CsubpathWalkingState | |
CTestBSPStorage | Unit Test for the BSP storage sub-system |
CtestStorableObject | |