Vector and illustration framework for Mac OS X
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DKObjectDrawingLayer Class Reference

This layer adds the concept of selection to drawable objects as defined by DKObjectOwnerLayer. More...

Inheritance diagram for DKObjectDrawingLayer:
Inheritance graph

Instance Methods

(void) - addObjectsToSelectionFromArray:
 Add a set of objects to the selection. More...
(void) - addObjectToSelection:
 Add a single object to the selection. More...
(IBAction) - alignBottomEdges:
 Aligns the selected objects on their bottom edges. More...
(IBAction) - alignEdgesToGrid:
(IBAction) - alignHorizontalCentres:
 Aligns the selected objects on their horizontal centres. More...
(IBAction) - alignLeftEdges:
 Aligns the selected objects on their left edges. More...
(IBAction) - alignLocationToGrid:
(NSUInteger- alignmentMenuItemRequiredObjects:
 Returns the minimum number of objects needed to enable the user interface item. More...
(void) - alignObjectEdges:toGrid:
 Aligns the objects to the grid, resizing and positioning as necessary so that all edges lie on the grid. More...
(void) - alignObjectLocation:toGrid:
 Aligns a set of objects so their locations lie on a grid intersection. More...
(void) - alignObjects:toLocation:withAlignment:
 Aligns a set of objects to a given point. More...
(void) - alignObjects:toMasterObject:withAlignment:
 Aligns a set ofobjects. More...
(void) - alignObjects:withAlignment:
 Aligns a set of objects. More...
(IBAction) - alignRightEdges:
 Aligns the selected objects on their right edges. More...
(IBAction) - alignTopEdges:
 Aligns the selected objects on their top edges. More...
(IBAction) - alignVerticalCentres:
 Aligns the selected objects on their vertical centres. More...
(BOOL- allowsObjectsToBeTargetedByDrags
 Returns whether a drag into this layer will target individual objects or not. More...
(IBAction) - applyStyle:
 Applies a style to the objects in the selection. More...
(IBAction) - assignKeyObject:
(NSArray *) - autoPolarDuplicate:centre:
 Automatically polar duplicates object to fit a circle exactly. More...
(void) - beginDragOfSelectedObjectsWithEvent:inView:
 Initiates a drag of the selection to another document or app, or back to self. More...
(IBAction) - clusterObjects:
(void) - commitSelectionUndoWithActionName:
 Sends the recorded selection state to the undo manager and tags it with the given action name. More...
(NSArray *) - concentricDuplicate:centre:numberOfCopies:insetBy:
 Duplicates one or more objects concentrically around a common centre. More...
(IBAction) - copy:
 Perform a copy. More...
(void) - copySelectionToPasteboard:
 Copies the selection to the given pasteboard in a variety of formats. More...
(NSUInteger- countOfSelectedAvailableObjects
 Returns the number of objects that are visible and not locked. More...
(NSUInteger- countOfSelection
 Return the number of items in the selection. More...
(IBAction) - cut:
 Perform a cut. More...
(IBAction) - delete:
 Performs a delete operation. More...
(IBAction) - deleteBackward:
 Calls delete: when backspace key is typed. More...
(void) - deselectAll
 Deselect any selected objects. More...
(void) - didAddGroup:
 Layer did create the group and added it to the layer. More...
(void) - didUngroupObjects:
 A group object was ungrouped and its contents added back into the layer. More...
(IBAction) - distributeHorizontalCentres:
 Distributes the selected objects to equalize the horizontal centres. More...
(IBAction) - distributeHorizontalSpace:
 Distributes the selected objects to equalize the horizontal space. More...
(BOOL- distributeObjects:withAlignment:
 Distributes a set of objects. More...
(IBAction) - distributeVerticalCentres:
 Distributes the selected objects to equalize the vertical centres. More...
(IBAction) - distributeVerticalSpace:
 Distributes the selected objects to equalize the vertical space. More...
(NSRect- dragExclusionRect
 Gets the rect outside of which a mouse drag will drag the selection with the drag manager. More...
(void) - drawingSizeChanged:
(void) - drawSelectedObjects
 Draws only the selected objects, but with the selection highlight itself not shown. More...
(void) - drawSelectedObjectsWithSelectionState:
 Draws only the selected objects, with the selection highlight given. More...
(BOOL- drawsSelectionHighlightsOnTop
 Draw selection highlights on top or in situ? More...
(IBAction) - duplicate:
 Duplicates the selection. More...
(NSArray *) - duplicatedSelection
 Returns an array consisting of a copy of the selected objects. More...
(BOOL- exchangeSelectionWithObjectsFromArray:
 Sets the selection to a given set of objects. More...
(IBAction) - ghostObjects:
 Set the selected objects ghosted. More...
(IBAction) - groupObjects:
 Turns the selected objects into a group. More...
(IBAction) - hideObject:
 Hides all selected objects, then deselects all. More...
(NSImage *) - imageOfSelectedObjects
 Creates an image of the selected objects. More...
(BOOL- isSelectedObject:
 Query whether a given object is selected or not. More...
(BOOL- isSelectionNotEmpty
 Query whether any objects are selected. More...
(BOOL- isSingleObjectSelected
 Query whether there is exactly one object selected. More...
(IBAction) - joinPaths:
 Connects any paths sharing an end point into a single path. More...
(DKDrawableObject *) - keyObject
 Returns the object as the master to be used for alignment operations, etc. More...
(NSArray *) - linearDuplicate:offset:numberOfCopies:
 Duplicates one or more objects linearly. More...
(IBAction) - lockObject:
 Locks all selected objects. More...
(void) - makeSelectedAvailableObjectsPerform:
 Makes the selected available object perform a given selector. More...
(void) - makeSelectedAvailableObjectsPerform:withObject:
 Makes the selected available object perform a given selector with a single object parameter. More...
(IBAction) - moveDown:
 Nudges the selected objects down by one unit. More...
(IBAction) - moveLeft:
 Nudges the selected objects left by one unit. More...
(IBAction) - moveRight:
 Nudges the selected objects right by one unit. More...
(BOOL- moveSelectedObjectsByX:byY:
 Changes the location of all objects in the selection by dx and dy. More...
(IBAction) - moveUp:
 Nudges the selected objects up by one unit. More...
(BOOL- multipleSelectionAutoForwarding
(BOOL- multipleSelectionValidatedMenuItem:
 Handle validation of menu items in a multiple selection when autoforwarding is enabled. More...
(IBAction) - objectBringForward:
 Brings the selected object forward. More...
(IBAction) - objectBringToFront:
 Brings the selected object to the front. More...
(DKDrawableObject *) - objectInSelectedAvailableObjectsAtIndex:
 Returns the indexed object. More...
(IBAction) - objectSendBackward:
 Sends the selected object backward. More...
(IBAction) - objectSendToBack:
 Sends the selected object to the back. More...
(NSArray *) - objectsSortedByHorizontalPosition:
 Sorts a set of objects into order of their horizontal location. More...
(NSArray *) - objectsSortedByVerticalPosition:
 Sorts a set of objects into order of their vertical location. More...
(IBAction) - paste:
 Perform a paste. More...
(NSData *) - pdfDataOfSelectedObjects
 Creates a PDF representation of the selected objects. More...
(NSArray *) - polarDuplicate:centre:numberOfCopies:incrementAngle:rotateCopies:
 Duplicates one or more objects radially around a common centre. More...
(void) - recordSelectionForUndo
 Make a copy of the selection for a possible undo recording. More...
(void) - refreshSelectedObjects
 Causes all selected objects to redraw themselves. More...
(void) - removeObjectFromSelection:
 Remove a single object from the selection. More...
(void) - removeObjectsFromSelectionInArray:
 Remove a series of object from the selection. More...
(BOOL- replaceSelectionWithObject:
 Select the given object, deselecting all previously selected objects. More...
(BOOL- replaceStyle:withStyle:selectingObjects:
(IBAction) - revealHiddenObjects:
 Reveals any hidden objects, setting the selection to them. More...
(void) - scrollToSelectionInView:
 Scrolls one or all views attached to the drawing so that the selection within this layer is visible. More...
(void) - selectAll
 Select all available objects. More...
(IBAction) - selectAll:
 Selects all objects. More...
(NSArray *) - selectedAvailableObjects
 Returns the objects that are not locked, visible and selected. More...
(NSArray *) - selectedAvailableObjectsOfClass:
 Returns the objects that are not locked, visible and selected and which have the given class. More...
(NSArray *) - selectedObjectsPreservingStackingOrder
 Returns the selected objects in their original stacking order. More...
(NSSet *) - selectedObjectsRespondingToSelector:
 Returns objects that respond to the selector <selector> More...
(NSSet *) - selectedObjectsReturning:toSelector:
(NSArray *) - selectedVisibleObjects
 Returns the objects that are visible and selected. More...
(NSSet *) - selection
(NSRect- selectionBounds
 Return the overall area bounded by the objects in the selection. More...
(BOOL- selectionChangesAreUndoable
 Are selection changes undoable? More...
(BOOL- selectionContainsObjectOfClass:
 Query whether the selection contains any objects matching the given class. More...
(BOOL- selectionHasChangedFromRecorded
 Test whether the selection is now different from the recorded selection. More...
(NSRect- selectionLogicalBounds
(BOOL- selectionVisible
 Whether the selection is actually shown or not. More...
(IBAction) - selectMatchingStyle:
 Selects all objects having the same style as the single selected object. More...
(IBAction) - selectNone:
 Deselects all objects in the selection. More...
(BOOL- selectObjectsWithStyle:
 Sets the selection to the set of objects that have the given style. More...
(IBAction) - selectOthers:
 Selects the objects not selected, deselects those that are ("inverts" selection) More...
(void) - setAllowsObjectsToBeTargetedByDrags:
 Sets whether a drag into this layer will target individual objects or not. More...
(void) - setDragExclusionRect:
 Sets the rect outside of which a mouse drag will drag the selection with the drag manager. More...
(void) - setDrawsSelectionHighlightsOnTop:
 Sets whether selection highlights should be drawn on top of all other objects, or if they should be drawn with the object at its current stacking position. More...
(BOOL- setHiddenObjectsVisible
 Reveals any hidden objects, setting the selection to those revealed. More...
(void) - setKeyObject:
 Nominates an object as the master to be used for alignment operations, etc. More...
(void) - setMultipleSelectionAutoForwarding:
 Default is NO for backward compatibility. More...
(void) - setSelectedObjectsLocked:
 Locks or unlocks all the selected objects. More...
(void) - setSelectedObjectsVisible:
 Hides or shows all of the objects in the selection. More...
(void) - setSelection:
 Sets the selection to a given set of objects. More...
(void) - setSelectionChangesAreUndoable:
 Set whether selection changes should be recorded for undo. More...
(void) - setSelectionVisible:
 Sets whether the selection is actually shown or not. More...
(BOOL- shouldGroupObjects:intoGroup:
 Layer is about to group a number of objects. More...
(BOOL- shouldUngroup:
 A group object is about to be ungrouped. More...
(IBAction) - showObject:
 Shows all selected objects. More...
(DKDrawableObject *) - singleSelection
 If the selection consists of a single available object, return it. More...
(CGFloat- totalHorizontalSpace:
 Computes the amount of space available for a horizontal distribution operation. More...
(CGFloat- totalVerticalSpace:
 Computes the amount of space available for a vertical distribution operation. More...
(IBAction) - unghostObjects:
 Set the selected objects unghosted. More...
(IBAction) - unlockObject:
 Unlocks all selected objects. More...
- Instance Methods inherited from DKObjectOwnerLayer
(void) - addObject:
 Adds an object to the layer. More...
(void) - addObject:atIndex:
(void) - addObjectPendingCreation:
 Adds a new object to the layer pending successful interactive creation. More...
(void) - addObjects:fromPasteboard:atDropLocation:
 Add objects to the layer from the pasteboard. More...
(void) - addObjectsFromArray:
 Adds a set of objects to the layer. More...
(BOOL- addObjectsFromArray:bounds:relativeToPoint:pinToInterior:
 Adds a set of objects to the layer offsetting their location by the given delta values relative to a given point. More...
(BOOL- addObjectsFromArray:relativeToPoint:pinToInterior:
 Adds a set of objects to the layer offsetting their location by the given delta values relative to a given point. More...
(BOOL- allowsEditing
 Does the layer permit editing of its objects? More...
(BOOL- allowsSnapToObjects
 Does the layer permit snapping to its objects? More...
(void) - applyTransformToObjects:
 Modifies the objects by applying the given transform to each of them. More...
(NSArray *) - availableObjects
 Returns objects that are available to the user, that is, not locked or invisible. More...
(NSArray *) - availableObjectsInRect:
 Returns objects that are available to the user, that is, not locked or invisible and that intersect the rect. More...
(NSArray *) - availableObjectsOfClass:
 Returns objects that are available to the user of the given class. More...
(DKDrawableObject *) - bottomObject
 Returns the bottom object. More...
(void) - commitPendingObjectWithUndoActionName:
 Commits the pending object to the layer and sets up the undo task action name. More...
(NSUInteger- countOfObjects
(void) - drawable:needsDisplayInRect:
(void) - drawable:wasDoubleClickedAtPoint:
 An object owned by the layer was double-clicked. More...
(void) - drawHighlightingForDrag
 Draws the highlighting to indicate the layer is a drag target. More...
(void) - drawPendingObjectInView:
 Draws the pending object, if any, in the layer - called by drawRect:inView: More...
(void) - drawVisibleObjects
(DKDrawableObject *) - hitTest:
 Find which object was hit by the given point, if any. More...
(DKDrawableObject *) - hitTest:partCode:
 Performs a hit test but also returns the hit part code. More...
(NSImage *) - imageOfObjects
(NSIndexSet *) - indexesOfObjectsInArray:
 Given a list of objects that are part of this layer, return an index set for them. More...
(NSUInteger- indexOfObject:
 Returns the stacking position of the given object. More...
(void) - insertObject:inObjectsAtIndex:
 Adds an object to the layer. More...
(void) - insertObjects:atIndexes:
 Inserts a set of objects at the indexes given. More...
(BOOL- isHighlightedForDrag
 Query whether the layer is currently highlighted for a drag (receive) operation. More...
(BOOL- isRecordingPasteOffset
 Return whether the paste offset will be recorded for the current drag operation. More...
(DKObjectOwnerLayer *) - layer
 Returns the layer of a drawable's container - since this is that layer, returns self. More...
(DKLayerCacheOption) - layerCacheOption
 Query whether the layer caches its content in an offscreen layer when not active. More...
(void) - moveDownObject:
 Moves the object down in the stacking order. More...
(void) - moveObject:toIndex:
 Movesthe object to the given stacking position index. More...
(void) - moveObjectsAtIndexes:toIndex:
 Moves the objects indexed by the set to the given stacking position index. More...
(void) - moveObjectsInArray:toIndex:
 Moves the objects in the array to the given stacking position index. More...
(void) - moveObjectToBottom:
 Moves the object to the bottom of the stacking order. More...
(void) - moveObjectToTop:
 Moves the object to the top of the stacking order. More...
(void) - moveUpObject:
 Moves the object up in the stacking order. More...
(NSEnumerator *) - objectEnumeratorForUpdateRect:inView:
 Return an iterator that will enumerate the objects needing update. More...
(NSEnumerator *) - objectEnumeratorForUpdateRect:inView:options:
 Return an iterator that will enumerate the objects needing update. More...
(DKDrawableObject *) - objectInObjectsAtIndex:
 Returns the object at a given stacking position index. More...
(NSArray *) - objects
 Returns all owned objects. More...
(void) - objects:wereDraggedFromPoint:toPoint:
 Sets the paste offset (distance between successively pasted objects) More...
(NSArray *) - objectsAtIndexes:
 Returns a list of objects given by the index set. More...
(NSArray *) - objectsForUpdateRect:inView:
 Return the objects needing update. More...
(NSArray *) - objectsForUpdateRect:inView:options:
 Return the objects needing update. More...
(NSArray *) - objectsInRect:
 Finds all objects touched by the given rect. More...
(NSArray *) - objectsReturning:toSelector:
 Returns objects that respond to the selector with the value <answer> <selector> a selector taking no parameters. More...
(NSArray *) - objectsWithStyle:
 Returns objects that share the given style. More...
(NSInteger- pasteCount
(NSSize) - pasteOffset
 Returns the paste offset (distance between successively pasted objects) More...
(NSPoint) - pasteOrigin
 Return the current point where pasted object will be positioned relative to. More...
(NSData *) - pdfDataOfObjects
(DKDrawableObject *) - pendingObject
 Returns the pending object, if any, in the layer. More...
(void) - refreshAllObjects
 Causes all visible objects to redraw themselves. More...
(void) - refreshObjectsInContainer:
 Causes all objects in the passed array, set or other container to redraw themselves. More...
(void) - removeAllObjects
 Removes all objects from the layer. More...
(void) - removeObject:
 Removes the object from the layer. More...
(void) - removeObjectAtIndex:
 Removes the object at the given stacking position index. More...
(void) - removeObjectFromObjectsAtIndex:
 Removes an object from the layer. More...
(void) - removeObjectsAtIndexes:
 Removes objects from the indexes listed by the set. More...
(void) - removeObjectsInArray:
 Removes a set of objects from the layer. More...
(void) - removePendingObject
 Removes a pending object in the situation that the creation was unsuccessful. More...
(NSAffineTransform *) - renderingTransform
 Returns the layer's transform used when rendering objects within. More...
(void) - replaceObjectInObjectsAtIndex:withObject:
 Replaces an object in the layer with another. More...
(void) - setAllowsEditing:
 Sets whether the layer permits editing of its objects. More...
(void) - setAllowsSnapToObjects:
 Sets whether the layer permits snapping to its objects. More...
(void) - setHighlightedForDrag:
 Set whether the layer is currently highlighted for a drag (receive) operation. More...
(void) - setLayerCacheOption:
 Set whether the layer caches its content in an offscreen layer when not active, and how. More...
(void) - setObjects:
 Sets the objects that this layer owns. More...
(void) - setPasteOffset:
 Sets the paste offset (distance between successively pasted objects) More...
(void) - setPasteOffsetX:y:
 Establish the paste offset - a value used to position items when pasting and duplicating. More...
(void) - setPasteOrigin:
 Sets the current point where pasted object will be positioned relative to. More...
(void) - setRecordingPasteOffset:
 Set whether the paste offset will be recorded for the current drag operation. More...
(void) - setStorage:
(NSPoint) - snappedMousePoint:forObject:withControlFlag:
 Snap a (mouse) point to grid, guide or other object according to settings. More...
(NSPoint) - snapPoint:toAnyObjectExcept:snapTolerance:
 Snap a point to any existing object control point within tolerance. More...
(id< DKObjectStorage >) - storage
 Returns the storage object for the layer. More...
(IBAction) - toggleShowStorageDebuggingPath:
 Toggles whether the debugging path is overlaid afterdrawing the content. More...
(IBAction) - toggleSnapToObjects:
 Sets the snapping state for the layer. More...
(DKDrawableObject *) - topObject
 Returns the topmost object. More...
(NSRect- unionOfAllObjectBounds
 Return the union of all the visible objects in the layer. More...
(BOOL- updatePasteCountWithPasteboard:
 Detect whether the paste from the pasteboard is a new paste, or a repeat paste. More...
(NSArray *) - visibleObjects
 Returns objects that are visible to the user, but may be locked. More...
(NSArray *) - visibleObjectsInRect:
 Returns objects that are visible to the user, intersect the rect, but may be locked. More...
- Instance Methods inherited from DKLayer
(NSRect- activeCursorRect
 Return a rect where the layer's cursor is shown when the mouse is within it. More...
(void) - addMetadata:
(void) - addUserInfo:
(NSSet *) - allRegisteredStyles
 Return all of registered styles used by the layer. More...
(NSSet *) - allStyles
 Return all of styles used by the layer. More...
(CGFloat- alpha
 Returns the alpha level for the layer as a whole. More...
(void) - beginDrawing
 Called before the layer starts drawing its content. More...
(NSBitmapImageRep *) - bitmapRepresentationWithDPI:
 Returns the layer's content as a transparent bitmap having the given DPI. More...
(BOOL- clipsDrawingToInterior
 Whether the drawing will be clipped to the interior or not. More...
(NSColor *) - colourForKey:
(NSView *) - currentView
 Returns the view which is either currently drawing the layer, or the one that mouse events are coming from. More...
(NSCursor *) - cursor
 Returns the cursor to display while the mouse is over this layer while it's active. More...
(DKDrawing *) - drawing
 Returns the drawing that the layer belongs to. More...
(void) - drawingDidChangeMargins:
(void) - drawingDidChangeToSize:
 Called when the drawing's size is changed - this gives layers that need to know about this a direct notification. More...
(void) - drawingHasNewUndoManager:
 Called when the drawing's undo manager is changed - this gives objects that cache the UM a chance to update their references. More...
(void) - drawRect:inView:
 Main entry point for drawing the layer and its contents to the drawing's views. More...
(void) - endDrawing
 Called after the layer has finished drawing its content. More...
(void) - flagsChanged:
 Respond to a change in the modifier key state. More...
(CGFloat- floatValueForKey:
(BOOL- hasMetadataForKey:
(void) - hideInfoWindow
 Hides the info window if it's visible. More...
(IBAction) - hideLayer:
 User interface level method can be linked to a menu or other appropriate UI widget. More...
(void) - hideRulerMarkers
(BOOL- hitLayer:
 Detect whether the layer was "hit" by a point. More...
(NSUInteger- indexInGroup
 Gets the layer's index within the group that the layer is contained in. More...
(NSInteger- intValueForKey:
(BOOL- isActive
 Is the layer the active layer? More...
(BOOL- isChildOfGroup:
 Determine whether a given group is the parent of this layer, or anywhere above it in the hierarchy. More...
(BOOL- isOpaque
 Is the layer opaque or transparent? More...
(DKKnob *) - knobs
(BOOL- knobsShouldAdjustToViewScale
(void) - layerDidBecomeActiveLayer
 The layer was made the active layer by the owning drawing. More...
(void) - layerDidResignActiveLayer
 The layer is no longer the active layer. More...
(DKLayerGroup *) - layerGroup
 Gets the group that the layer is contained in. More...
(BOOL- layerMayBecomeActive
 Returns whether the layer can become the active layer. More...
(BOOL- layerMayBeDeleted
 Return whether the layer can be deleted. More...
(NSString *) - layerName
 Returns the layer's name. More...
(NSUInteger- level
 Returns the hierarchical level of this layer, i.e. More...
(BOOL- locked
 Returns whether the layer is locked or not. More...
(BOOL- lockedOrHidden
 Returns whether the layer is locked or hidden. More...
(IBAction) - lockLayer:
 User interface level method can be linked to a menu or other appropriate UI widget. More...
(IBAction) - logDescription:
 Debugging method. More...
(NSMenu *) - menuForEvent:inView:
 Allows a contextual menu to be built for the layer or its contents. More...
(NSMutableDictionary *) - metadata
(NSUInteger- metadataChecksum
(void) - metadataDidChangeKey:
(DKMetadataItem *) - metadataItemForKey:
(NSArray *) - metadataKeys
(id- metadataObjectForKey:
(void) - metadataWillChangeKey:
(void) - mouseDown:inView:
 The mouse went down in this layer. More...
(void) - mouseDragged:inView:
 Subclasses must override to be notified of mouse dragged events. More...
(void) - mouseMoved:inView:
(void) - mouseUp:inView:
 Override to respond to the event. More...
(BOOL- pasteboard:hasAvailableTypeForOperation:
 Tests whether the pasteboard has any of the types the layer is interested in receiving for the given operation. More...
(NSArray *) - pasteboardTypesForOperation:
 Return the pasteboard types this layer is able to receive in a given operation (drop or paste) More...
(NSData *) - pdf
 Returns the content of the layer as a pdf. More...
(void) - removeMetadataForKey:
(void) - replaceMatchingStylesFromSet:
 Substitute styles with those in the given set. More...
(BOOL- rulerMarkerUpdatesEnabled
(DKLayerMetadataSchema) - schema
(NSColor *) - selectionColour
 Returns the currently preferred selection colour for this layer. More...
(void) - setAlpha:
 Sets the alpha level for the layer. More...
(void) - setClipsDrawingToInterior:
 Sets whether drawing is limited to the interior area or not. More...
(void) - setColour:forKey:
(void) - setFloatValue:forKey:
(void) - setInfoWindowBackgroundColour:
 Sets the background colour of the small floating info window. More...
(void) - setIntValue:forKey:
(void) - setKnobs:
(void) - setKnobsShouldAdustToViewScale:
(void) - setLayerGroup:
 Sets the group that the layer is contained in - called automatically when the layer is added to a group. More...
(void) - setLayerName:
 Sets the user-readable name of the layer. More...
(void) - setLocked:
 Sets whether the layer is locked or not. More...
(void) - setMetadata:
(void) - setMetadataItem:forKey:
(void) - setMetadataItemType:forKey:
(void) - setMetadataItemValue:forKey:
(void) - setMetadataObject:forKey:
(void) - setNeedsDisplay:
 Flags the whole layer as needing redrawing. More...
(void) - setNeedsDisplayInRect:
 Flags part of a layer as needing redrawing. More...
(void) - setNeedsDisplayInRects:
 Marks several areas for update at once. More...
(void) - setNeedsDisplayInRects:withExtraPadding:
 Marks several areas for update at once. More...
(void) - setRulerMarkerUpdatesEnabled:
(void) - setSelectionColour:
 Sets the colour preference to use for selected objects within this layer. More...
(void) - setShouldDrawToPrinter:
 Set whether this layer should be included in printed output. More...
(void) - setSize:forKey:
(void) - setString:forKey:
(void) - setupMetadata
(void) - setUserInfo:
(void) - setUserInfoObject:forKey:
(void) - setVisible:
 Sets whether the layer is visible or not. More...
(BOOL- shouldAutoActivateWithEvent:
 Should the layer automatically activate on a click if the view has this behaviour set? More...
(BOOL- shouldDrawToPrinter
 Return whether the layer should be part of the printed output or not. More...
(void) - showInfoWindowWithString:atPoint:
 Displays a small floating info window near the point p containg the string. More...
(IBAction) - showLayer:
 User interface level method can be linked to a menu or other appropriate UI widget. More...
(NSSize) - sizeForKey:
(NSString *) - stringForKey:
(BOOL- supportsMetadata
(NSImage *) - thumbnail
(NSImage *) - thumbnailImageWithSize:
 Returns an image of the layer a the given size. More...
(IBAction) - toggleLayerLock:
 User interface level method can be linked to a menu or other appropriate UI widget. More...
(IBAction) - toggleLayerVisible:
 User interface level method can be linked to a menu or other appropriate UI widget. More...
(NSUndoManager *) - undoManager
 Obtains the undo manager that is handling undo for the drawing and hence, this layer. More...
(NSString *) - uniqueKey
 Returns the layer's unique key. More...
(IBAction) - unlockLayer:
 User interface level method can be linked to a menu or other appropriate UI widget. More...
(void) - updateMetadataKeys
(void) - updateRulerMarkersForRect:
(NSMutableDictionary *) - userInfo
 Return the attached user info. More...
(id- userInfoObjectForKey:
 Return an item of user info. More...
(BOOL- visible
 Is the layer visible? More...
(void) - wasAddedToDrawing:
 Notifies the layer that it or a group containing it was added to a drawing. More...
(BOOL- writePDFDataToPasteboard:
 Writes the content of the layer as a pdf to a nominated pasteboard. More...
- Instance Methods inherited from NSObject
(NSString *) - address
(DKStyleRegistry *) - applicationWillReturnStyleRegistry
(BOOL- canBeUsedWithSelectionTool
(id- categoryManager:shouldReplaceObject:withObject:
(Class- classForCoder
(NSColor *) - colorValue
(NSColor *) - colourValue
(id- copy
(void) - dealloc
(id- deepCopy
(NSDictionary *) - dimensionValuesForArrowStroke:
(CGFloat- drawing:convertDistanceToExternalCoordinates:
(NSPoint) - drawing:convertLocationToExternalCoordinates:
(void) - drawing:didDrawRect:inView:
(void) - drawing:willDrawRect:inView:
(NSString *) - drawing:willReturnAbbreviationForUnit:
(NSString *) - drawing:willReturnFormattedCoordinateForDistance:
(CGFloat- drawingWillReturnUnitToPointsConversonFactor:
(void) - finalize
(NSString *) - hexString
(void) - hotspot:didEndTrackingWithEvent:inView:
(void) - hotspot:isTrackingWithEvent:inView:
(void) - hotspot:willBeginTrackingWithEvent:inView:
(NSData *) - imageData
(NSImage *) - imageResourceNamed:
(id- init
(id- initWithExpression:
(id- instantiateObjectWithShortName:parameters:
(BOOL- isLiteralValue
(void) - layoutManager:willPlaceGlyphAtIndex:atLocation:pathAngle:yOffset:
(void) - menuItem:wasAddedForObject:inCategory:
(BOOL- moveObjectTo:position:slope:userInfo:
(id- mutableCopy
(void) - oneShotComplete
(void) - oneShotHasReached:
(void) - oneShotWillBegin
(void) - path:elementIndex:type:points:subPathIndex:subPathClosed:contextInfo:
(id- placeLinkFromPoint:toPoint:onPath:linkNumber:userInfo:
(id- placeObjectAtPoint:onPath:position:slope:userInfo:
(NSPoint) - point
(NSPoint) - pointForTextLayout
(DKStyle *) - registry:shouldReplaceStyle:withStyle:
(NSBezierPath *) - renderer:willRenderPath:
(void) - routeFinder:progressHasReached:
(void) - setValue:forNumericParameter:
(NSString *) - stringValue
(CGFloat- taperFactorAtDistance:onPath:ofLength:
(void) - toolDidPerformUndoableAction:
(void) - toolWillPerformUndoableAction:
(NSURL *) - url
- Instance Methods inherited from <NSObject>
(NSString *) - description
(NSUInteger- hash
(BOOL- isEqual:
- Instance Methods inherited from <NSKeyValueBindingCreation>
(void) - bind:toObject:withKeyPath:options:
(NSArray *) - exposedBindings
(NSDictionary *) - infoForBinding:
(NSArray *) - optionDescriptionsForBinding:
(void) - unbind:
(Class- valueClassForBinding:
- Instance Methods inherited from <NSCoding>
(void) - encodeWithCoder:
(id- initWithCoder:
- Instance Methods inherited from <DKKnobOwner>
(BOOL- knobsWantDrawingActiveState
(CGFloat- knobsWantDrawingScale
- Instance Methods inherited from <DKDrawableContainer>
(DKDrawing *) - drawing
(DKImageDataManager *) - imageManager
(DKMetadataItem *) - metadataItemForKey:
(id- metadataObjectForKey:

Class Methods

(BOOL+ defaultSelectionChangesAreUndoable
(DKObjectDrawingLayer *) + layerWithObjectsInArray:
 Convenience method creates an entire new layer containing the given objects. More...
(BOOL+ selectionIsShownWhenInactive
(void) + setDefaultSelectionChangesAreUndoable:
(void) + setSelectionIsShownWhenInactive:
- Class Methods inherited from DKObjectOwnerLayer
(DKLayerCacheOption) + defaultLayerCacheOption
(void) + setDefaultLayerCacheOption:
(void) + setStorageClass:
(Class+ storageClass
- Class Methods inherited from DKLayer
(BOOL+ metadataChangesAreUndoable
(NSColor *) + selectionColourForIndex:
(NSArray *) + selectionColours
 Returns the list of colours used for supplying the selection colours. More...
(void) + setMetadataChangesAreUndoable:
(void) + setSelectionColours:
 Allows a list of colours to be set for supplying the selection colours. More...
- Class Methods inherited from NSObject
(id+ alloc
(Class+ class
(void) + initialize
(void) + load
(id+ new
- Class Methods inherited from <NSKeyValueBindingCreation>
(void) + exposeBinding:

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Attributes inherited from DKObjectOwnerLayer
BOOL mShowStorageDebugging

Detailed Description

This layer adds the concept of selection to drawable objects as defined by DKObjectOwnerLayer.

This layer adds the concept of selection to drawable objects as defined by DKObjectOwnerLayer. Selected objects are held in the -selection list, which is a set (there is no order to selected objects per se - though sometimes the relative Z-stacking order of objects in the selection is needed, and the method -selectedObjectsPreservingStackingOrder et. al. will provide that.

Note that for selection, the locked state of owned objects is ignored (because it is OK to select a locked object, just not to do anything with it except unlock it).

Commands directed at this layer are usually meant to to go to "the selection", either multiple or single objects.

This class provides no direct mouse handlers for actually changing the selection - typically the selection and other manipulation of objects in this layer is done through the agency of tools and a DKToolController.

The actual appearance of the selection is mainly down to the objects themselves, with some information supplied by the layer (for example the layer's selectionColour). Also, the layer's (or more typically the drawing's) DKKnob class is generally used by objects to display their selected state.

Method Documentation

- (void) addObjectsToSelectionFromArray: (NSArray *)  objs

Add a set of objects to the selection.

Existing objects in the selection remain selected

objsan array of objects to select
- (void) addObjectToSelection: (DKDrawableObject *)  obj

Add a single object to the selection.

Any existing objects in the selection remain selected

objan object to select
- (IBAction) alignBottomEdges: (id sender

Aligns the selected objects on their bottom edges.

senderthe action's sender

Provided by category DKObjectDrawingLayer(Alignment).

- (IBAction) alignEdgesToGrid: (id sender

Provided by category DKObjectDrawingLayer(Alignment).

- (IBAction) alignHorizontalCentres: (id sender

Aligns the selected objects on their horizontal centres.

senderthe action's sender

Provided by category DKObjectDrawingLayer(Alignment).

- (IBAction) alignLeftEdges: (id sender

Aligns the selected objects on their left edges.

senderthe action's sender

Provided by category DKObjectDrawingLayer(Alignment).

- (IBAction) alignLocationToGrid: (id sender

Provided by category DKObjectDrawingLayer(Alignment).

- (NSUInteger) alignmentMenuItemRequiredObjects: (id< NSValidatedUserInterfaceItem >)  item

Returns the minimum number of objects needed to enable the user interface item.

Call this from a generic validateMenuItem method for the layer as a whole

itemthe user interface item to validate
number of objects needed for validation. If the item isn't a known alignment command, returns 0

Provided by category DKObjectDrawingLayer(Alignment).

- (void) alignObjectEdges: (NSArray *)  objects
toGrid: (DKGridLayer *)  grid 

Aligns the objects to the grid, resizing and positioning as necessary so that all edges lie on the grid.

The logical bounds is used for alignment, consistent with normal snapping behaviour.

May minimally resize the objects.

objectsthe objects to align
gridthe grid to use

Provided by category DKObjectDrawingLayer(Alignment).

- (void) alignObjectLocation: (NSArray *)  objects
toGrid: (DKGridLayer *)  grid 

Aligns a set of objects so their locations lie on a grid intersection.

Does not resize the objects

objectsthe objects to align
gridthe grid to use

Provided by category DKObjectDrawingLayer(Alignment).

- (void) alignObjects: (NSArray *)  objects
toLocation: (NSPoint)  loc
withAlignment: (NSInteger align 

Aligns a set of objects to a given point.

objectsthe objects to align
locthe point to which the objects are aligned
alignthe alignment operation required

Provided by category DKObjectDrawingLayer(Alignment).

- (void) alignObjects: (NSArray *)  objects
toMasterObject: (id object
withAlignment: (NSInteger align 

Aligns a set ofobjects.

objectsthe objects to align
objectthe "master" object - the one to which the others are aligned
alignthe alignment operation required

Provided by category DKObjectDrawingLayer(Alignment).

- (void) alignObjects: (NSArray *)  objects
withAlignment: (NSInteger align 

Aligns a set of objects.

Objects are aligned with the layer's nominated key object, by default the first object in the supplied list

objectsthe objects to align
alignthe alignment operation required

Provided by category DKObjectDrawingLayer(Alignment).

- (IBAction) alignRightEdges: (id sender

Aligns the selected objects on their right edges.

senderthe action's sender

Provided by category DKObjectDrawingLayer(Alignment).

- (IBAction) alignTopEdges: (id sender

Aligns the selected objects on their top edges.

senderthe action's sender

Provided by category DKObjectDrawingLayer(Alignment).

- (IBAction) alignVerticalCentres: (id sender

Aligns the selected objects on their vertical centres.

senderthe action's sender

Provided by category DKObjectDrawingLayer(Alignment).

- (BOOL) allowsObjectsToBeTargetedByDrags

Returns whether a drag into this layer will target individual objects or not.

If YES, the object under the mouse will highlight as a drag into the layer proceeds, and upon drop, the object itself will be passed the drop information. Default is YES.

YES if objects can be targeted by drags
- (IBAction) applyStyle: (id sender

Applies a style to the objects in the selection.

The sender -representedObject must be a DKStyle. This is designed to match the menu items managed by DKStyleRegistry, but can be arranged to be any object that can have a represented object.

senderthe action's sender
- (IBAction) assignKeyObject: (id sender

Provided by category DKObjectDrawingLayer(Alignment).

- (NSArray*) autoPolarDuplicate: (DKDrawableObject *)  object
centre: (NSPoint)  centre 

Automatically polar duplicates object to fit a circle exactly.

This computes the increment angle and number of copies needed to fit the object exactly into a circle. The angle is that subtended by the object's logical bounds at the centre. The radius will be adjusted outwards as necessary so that an integral number of copies fit a complete circle.

objecta single opject to be copied
centrethe centre around which the object is located
A list of DKDrawableObjects representing the copies. The originals are not copied to this array.

Provided by category DKObjectDrawingLayer(Duplication).

- (void) beginDragOfSelectedObjectsWithEvent: (NSEvent *)  event
inView: (NSView *)  view 

Initiates a drag of the selection to another document or app, or back to self.

Keeps control until the drag completes. Swallows the mouseUp event. called from the mouseDragged method when the mouse leaves the drag exclusion rect.

eventthe event that triggered the action - must be a mouseDown or mouseDragged
viewthe view in which the user dragging operation is taking place
- (IBAction) clusterObjects: (id sender
- (void) commitSelectionUndoWithActionName: (NSString *)  actionName

Sends the recorded selection state to the undo manager and tags it with the given action name.

Usually called at the end of any operation than might have changed the selection. This also sets the action name even if the selection is unaffected, so callers can just call this with the desired action name and get the correct outcome, whether or not selection is undoable or changed. This will help keep code tidy.

actionNameundo menu string, or nil to use a preset name
- (NSArray*) concentricDuplicate: (NSArray *)  objectsToDuplicate
centre: (NSPoint)  centre
numberOfCopies: (NSInteger nCopies
insetBy: (CGFloat inset 

Duplicates one or more objects concentrically around a common centre.

Objects in the result are obtained by copying the objects in the original list, and so will have the same types, styles, etc. While this works with paths, it works best with shapes or groups, because paths don't implement setSize: and their location is at their top, left.

objectsToDuplicatea list of DKDrawableObjects which will be copied
centrethe location of the centre around which the copies are arranged
numberOfCopieshow many copies to make
insetBythe amount each copy is inset or outset (-ve) by
A list of DKDrawableObjects representing the copies. The originals are not copied to this array.

Provided by category DKObjectDrawingLayer(Duplication).

- (IBAction) copy: (id sender

Perform a copy.

Copies the selection to the general pasteboard

senderthe action's sender

Implements DKLayer.

- (void) copySelectionToPasteboard: (NSPasteboard *)  pb

Copies the selection to the given pasteboard in a variety of formats.

Data is recorded as native data, PDF and TIFF. Note that locked objects can't be copied as native types, but images are still copied.

pbthe pasteboard to copy to
- (NSUInteger) countOfSelectedAvailableObjects

Returns the number of objects that are visible and not locked.

If the layer itself is locked, returns 0

the count
- (NSUInteger) countOfSelection

Return the number of items in the selection.

KVC compliant; returns 0 if the layer is locked or hidden.

an integer, the countof selected objects
- (IBAction) cut: (id sender

Perform a cut.

Cuts the selection

senderthe action's sender
+ (BOOL) defaultSelectionChangesAreUndoable
- (IBAction) delete: (id sender

Performs a delete operation.

senderthe action's sender
- (IBAction) deleteBackward: (id sender

Calls delete: when backspace key is typed.

senderthe action's sender
- (void) deselectAll

Deselect any selected objects.

- (void) didAddGroup: (DKShapeGroup *)  aGroup

Layer did create the group and added it to the layer.

The default does nothing - subclasses could override this. This is invoked by the high level

aGroupthe group just added
- (void) didUngroupObjects: (NSArray *)  ungroupedObjects

A group object was ungrouped and its contents added back into the layer.

The default does nothing - subclasses could override this. This is invoked by the group just after it has ungrouped - see [DKShapeGroup ungroupObjects:]

ungroupedObjectsthe objects just ungrouped
- (IBAction) distributeHorizontalCentres: (id sender

Distributes the selected objects to equalize the horizontal centres.

senderthe action's sender

Provided by category DKObjectDrawingLayer(Alignment).

- (IBAction) distributeHorizontalSpace: (id sender

Distributes the selected objects to equalize the horizontal space.

senderthe action's sender

Provided by category DKObjectDrawingLayer(Alignment).

- (BOOL) distributeObjects: (NSArray *)  objects
withAlignment: (NSInteger align 

Distributes a set of objects.

Normally this is called by the higher level alignObjects: methods when a distribution alignment is detected

objectsthe objects to distribute
alignthe distribution required
YES if the operation could be performed, NO otherwise

Provided by category DKObjectDrawingLayer(Alignment).

- (IBAction) distributeVerticalCentres: (id sender

Distributes the selected objects to equalize the vertical centres.

senderthe action's sender

Provided by category DKObjectDrawingLayer(Alignment).

- (IBAction) distributeVerticalSpace: (id sender

Distributes the selected objects to equalize the vertical space.

senderthe action's sender

Provided by category DKObjectDrawingLayer(Alignment).

- (NSRect) dragExclusionRect

Gets the rect outside of which a mouse drag will drag the selection with the drag manager.

a rect defining the area within which drags do not traigger DM operations
- (void) drawingSizeChanged: (NSNotification *)  note
- (void) drawSelectedObjects

Draws only the selected objects, but with the selection highlight itself not shown.

This is used when imaging the selection to a PDF or other context.

- (void) drawSelectedObjectsWithSelectionState: (BOOL selected

Draws only the selected objects, with the selection highlight given.

This is used when imaging the selection to a PDF or other context.

Usually there is no good reason to copy objects with the selection state set to YES, but this is provided for special needs when you do want that.

selectedYES to show the selection, NO to not show it
- (BOOL) drawsSelectionHighlightsOnTop

Draw selection highlights on top or in situ?

Default is YES

YES if drawn on top, NO in situ.
- (IBAction) duplicate: (id sender

Duplicates the selection.

senderthe action's sender
- (NSArray*) duplicatedSelection

Returns an array consisting of a copy of the selected objects.

The result maintains the stacking order of the original objects, but the objects do not belong to where objects are ultimately going to be pasted back in to this or another layer.

an array of objects.
- (BOOL) exchangeSelectionWithObjectsFromArray: (NSArray *)  sel

Sets the selection to a given set of objects.

This is intended as a more efficient version of setSelection:, since it only changes the state of objects that differ between the current selection and the list passed. It is intended to be called when interactively making a selection such as during a marquee drag, when it's likely that the same set of objects is repeatedly offered for selection. Also, since it accepts an array parameter, it may be used directly with sets of objects without first making into a set.

selthe set of objects to select
YES if the selection changed, NO if it did not
- (IBAction) ghostObjects: (id sender

Set the selected objects ghosted.

Ghosted objects draw using an unobtrusive placeholder style

senderthe action's sender
- (IBAction) groupObjects: (id sender

Turns the selected objects into a group.

The new group is placed on top of all objects even if the objects grouped were not on top. The group as a whole can be moved to any index - ungrouping replaces objects at that index.

senderthe action's sender
- (IBAction) hideObject: (id sender

Hides all selected objects, then deselects all.

Caution: hiding the selection has usability implications!!

senderthe action's sender
- (NSImage*) imageOfSelectedObjects

Creates an image of the selected objects.

Used to create an image representation of the selection when performing a cut or copy operation, to allow the selection to be exported to graphical apps that don't understand our internal object format.

an image
- (BOOL) isSelectedObject: (DKDrawableObject *)  obj

Query whether a given object is selected or not.

objthe object to test
YES if it is selected, NO if not
- (BOOL) isSelectionNotEmpty

Query whether any objects are selected.

YES if there is at least one object selected, NO if none are
- (BOOL) isSingleObjectSelected

Query whether there is exactly one object selected.

YES if one object selected, NO if none or more than one are
- (IBAction) joinPaths: (id sender

Connects any paths sharing an end point into a single path.

senderthe action's sender
- (DKDrawableObject*) keyObject

Returns the object as the master to be used for alignment operations, etc.

If no specific object is set (nil), then the first object in the selection is returned. If there's no selection, returns nil.

an object that is to be considered key for alignment ops

Provided by category DKObjectDrawingLayer(Alignment).

+ (DKObjectDrawingLayer*) layerWithObjectsInArray: (NSArray *)  objects

Convenience method creates an entire new layer containing the given objects.

The objects are not initially selected

objectsan array containing drawable objects which must not be already owned by another layer
a new layer object containing the objects
- (NSArray*) linearDuplicate: (NSArray *)  objectsToDuplicate
offset: (NSSize)  offset
numberOfCopies: (NSInteger nCopies 

Duplicates one or more objects linearly.

Objects in the result are obtained by copying the objects in the original list, and so will have the same types, styles, etc.

objectsToDuplicatea list of DKDrawableObjects which will be copied
offseteach copy is offset this much from the last
numberOfCopieshow many copies to make
A list of DKDrawableObjects representing the copies. The originals are not copied to this array.

Provided by category DKObjectDrawingLayer(Duplication).

- (IBAction) lockObject: (id sender

Locks all selected objects.

senderthe action's sender
- (void) makeSelectedAvailableObjectsPerform: (SEL selector

Makes the selected available object perform a given selector.

An easy way to apply a command to the set of selected available objects, provided that the selector requires no parameters

selectorthe selector the objects should perform
- (void) makeSelectedAvailableObjectsPerform: (SEL selector
withObject: (id anObject 

Makes the selected available object perform a given selector with a single object parameter.

selectorthe selector the objects should perform
anObjectthe object parameter to pass to each method
- (IBAction) moveDown: (id sender

Nudges the selected objects down by one unit.

The nudge amount is determined by the drawing's grid settings

senderthe action's sender (in fact the view)
- (IBAction) moveLeft: (id sender

Nudges the selected objects left by one unit.

The nudge amount is determined by the drawing's grid settings

senderthe action's sender (in fact the view)
- (IBAction) moveRight: (id sender

Nudges the selected objects right by one unit.

The nudge amount is determined by the drawing's grid settings

senderthe action's sender (in fact the view)
- (BOOL) moveSelectedObjectsByX: (CGFloat dx
byY: (CGFloat dy 

Changes the location of all objects in the selection by dx and dy.

dxadd this much to each object's x coordinate
dyadd this much to each object's y coordinate
YES if there were selected objects, NO if there weren't, and so nothing happened
- (IBAction) moveUp: (id sender

Nudges the selected objects up by one unit.

The nudge amount is determined by the drawing's grid settings

senderthe action's sender (in fact the view)
- (BOOL) multipleSelectionAutoForwarding
- (BOOL) multipleSelectionValidatedMenuItem: (NSMenuItem *)  item

Handle validation of menu items in a multiple selection when autoforwarding is enabled.

This also tries to intelligently set the state of the item. If some objects set the state one way and others to another state, this will automatically set the mixed state. While the menu item itself is enabled if any object enabled it, the mixed state indicates that the outcome of the operation is likely to vary for different objects.

itemthe menu item to validate
YES if at least one of the objects enabled the item, NO otherwise
- (IBAction) objectBringForward: (id sender

Brings the selected object forward.

senderthe action's sender
- (IBAction) objectBringToFront: (id sender

Brings the selected object to the front.

senderthe action's sender
- (DKDrawableObject*) objectInSelectedAvailableObjectsAtIndex: (NSUInteger indx

Returns the indexed object.

indxthe index of the required object
the object at that index
- (IBAction) objectSendBackward: (id sender

Sends the selected object backward.

senderthe action's sender
- (IBAction) objectSendToBack: (id sender

Sends the selected object to the back.

senderthe action's sender
- (NSArray*) objectsSortedByHorizontalPosition: (NSArray *)  objects

Sorts a set of objects into order of their horizontal location.

objectsthe objects to sort
a copy of the array sorted into horizontal order

Provided by category DKObjectDrawingLayer(Alignment).

- (NSArray*) objectsSortedByVerticalPosition: (NSArray *)  objects

Sorts a set of objects into order of their vertical location.

objectsthe objects to sort
a copy of the array sorted into vertical order

Provided by category DKObjectDrawingLayer(Alignment).

- (IBAction) paste: (id sender

Perform a paste.

Pastes from the general pasteboard

senderthe action's sender
- (NSData*) pdfDataOfSelectedObjects

Creates a PDF representation of the selected objects.

Used to create a PDF representation of the selection when performing a cut or copy operation, to allow the selection to be exported to PDF apps that don't understand our internal object format. This requires the use of a temporary special view for recording the output as PDF.

PDF data of the selected objects only
- (NSArray*) polarDuplicate: (NSArray *)  objectsToDuplicate
centre: (NSPoint)  centre
numberOfCopies: (NSInteger nCopies
incrementAngle: (CGFloat incRadians
rotateCopies: (BOOL rotCopies 

Duplicates one or more objects radially around a common centre.

Objects in the result are obtained by copying the objects in the original list, and so will have the same types, styles, etc.

objectsToDuplicatea list of DKDrawableObjects which will be copied
centrethe location of the centre around which the copies are arranged
numberOfCopieshow many copies to make
incrementAnglethe angle in radians between each copy
rotateCopiesYES to rotate the copies so that they lie on the radial, NO to keep them at their original rotation
A list of DKDrawableObjects representing the copies. The originals are not copied to this array.

Provided by category DKObjectDrawingLayer(Duplication).

- (void) recordSelectionForUndo

Make a copy of the selection for a possible undo recording.

The selection is copied and stored in the ivar <_selectionUndo>. Usually called at the start of an operation that can potentially change the selection state, such as a mouse down.

- (void) refreshSelectedObjects

Causes all selected objects to redraw themselves.

- (void) removeObjectFromSelection: (DKDrawableObject *)  obj

Remove a single object from the selection.

Other objects in the selection are unaffected

objthe object to deselect
- (void) removeObjectsFromSelectionInArray: (NSArray *)  objs

Remove a series of object from the selection.

Other objects in the selection are unaffected

objsthe list of objects to deselect
- (BOOL) replaceSelectionWithObject: (DKDrawableObject *)  obj

Select the given object, deselecting all previously selected objects.

objthe object to select
YES if the selection changed, NO if it did not (i.e. if <obj> was already the only selected object)
- (BOOL) replaceStyle: (DKStyle *)  style
withStyle: (DKStyle *)  newStyle
selectingObjects: (BOOL select 
- (IBAction) revealHiddenObjects: (id sender

Reveals any hidden objects, setting the selection to them.

Beeps if no objects were hidden

senderthe action's sender
- (void) scrollToSelectionInView: (NSView *)  aView

Scrolls one or all views attached to the drawing so that the selection within this layer is visible.

aViewif not nil, the view to scroll. If nil, scrolls all views
- (void) selectAll

Select all available objects.

This also adds hidden objects to the selection, even though they are not visible

- (IBAction) selectAll: (id sender

Selects all objects.

senderthe action's sender (in fact the view)
- (NSArray*) selectedAvailableObjects

Returns the objects that are not locked, visible and selected.

This also preserves the stacking order of the objects (unlike -selection), so is the most useful means of obtaining the set of objects that can be acted upon by a command or user interface control. Note that if the layer is locked as a whole, this always returns an empty list

an array, objects that can be acted upon by a command as a set
- (NSArray*) selectedAvailableObjectsOfClass: (Class aClass

Returns the objects that are not locked, visible and selected and which have the given class.

See comments for selectedAvailableObjects

an array, objects of the given class that can be acted upon by a command as a set
- (NSArray*) selectedObjectsPreservingStackingOrder

Returns the selected objects in their original stacking order.

Slower than -selection, as it needs to iterate over the objects. This ignores visible and locked states of the objects. See also -selectedAvailableObjects. If the layer itself is locked, returns an empty array.

an array, the selected objects in their original order
- (NSSet*) selectedObjectsRespondingToSelector: (SEL selector

Returns objects that respond to the selector <selector>

This is a more general kind of test for ensuring that selectors are only sent to those objects that can respond. Hidden or locked objects are also excluded.

selectorany selector
an array, objects in the selection that do respond to the given selector
- (NSSet*) selectedObjectsReturning: (NSInteger answer
toSelector: (SEL selector 
- (NSArray*) selectedVisibleObjects

Returns the objects that are visible and selected.

See comments for selectedAvailableObjects

an array
- (NSSet*) selection
- (NSRect) selectionBounds

Return the overall area bounded by the objects in the selection.

the union of the bounds of all selected objects
- (BOOL) selectionChangesAreUndoable

Are selection changes undoable?

YES if they are undoable, NO if not
- (BOOL) selectionContainsObjectOfClass: (Class c

Query whether the selection contains any objects matching the given class.

cthe class of object sought
YES if there is at least one object of type , NO otherwise
- (BOOL) selectionHasChangedFromRecorded

Test whether the selection is now different from the recorded selection.

YES if the selection differs, NO if they are the same
+ (BOOL) selectionIsShownWhenInactive
- (NSRect) selectionLogicalBounds
- (BOOL) selectionVisible

Whether the selection is actually shown or not.

Normally the selection should be visible, but some tools might want to hide it temporarily at certain well-defined times, such as when dragging objects.

YES if the selection is visible, NO if hidden
- (IBAction) selectMatchingStyle: (id sender

Selects all objects having the same style as the single selected object.

senderthe action's sender
- (IBAction) selectNone: (id sender

Deselects all objects in the selection.

senderthe action's sender
- (BOOL) selectObjectsWithStyle: (DKStyle *)  style

Sets the selection to the set of objects that have the given style.

The style is compared by key, so clones of the style are not considered a match

stylethe style to match
YES if the selection changed, NO if it did not
- (IBAction) selectOthers: (id sender

Selects the objects not selected, deselects those that are ("inverts" selection)

senderthe action's sender
- (void) setAllowsObjectsToBeTargetedByDrags: (BOOL allow

Sets whether a drag into this layer will target individual objects or not.

If YES, the object under the mouse will highlight as a drag into the layer proceeds, and upon drop, the object itself will be passed the drop information. Default is YES.

allowallow individual objects to receive drags
+ (void) setDefaultSelectionChangesAreUndoable: (BOOL undoSel
- (void) setDragExclusionRect: (NSRect aRect

Sets the rect outside of which a mouse drag will drag the selection with the drag manager.

By default the drag exclusion rect is set to the interior of the drawing. Dragging objects to the margins thus drags them "off" the drawing.

aRecta rectangle - drags inside this rect do not cause a DM operation. Can be empty to
- (void) setDrawsSelectionHighlightsOnTop: (BOOL onTop

Sets whether selection highlights should be drawn on top of all other objects, or if they should be drawn with the object at its current stacking position.

Default is YES

onTopYES to draw on top, NO to draw in situ
- (BOOL) setHiddenObjectsVisible

Reveals any hidden objects, setting the selection to those revealed.

YES if at least one object was shown, NO otherwise
- (void) setKeyObject: (DKDrawableObject *)  keyObject

Nominates an object as the master to be used for alignment operations, etc.

The object is not retained as it should already be owned. A nil object can be set to mean that the topmost select object should be considered key.

keyObjectan object that is to be considered key for alignment ops

Provided by category DKObjectDrawingLayer(Alignment).

- (void) setMultipleSelectionAutoForwarding: (BOOL autoForward

Default is NO for backward compatibility.

This feature is useful to allow an action to be defined by an object but to have it invoked on all objects that are able to respond in the current selection without having to implement the action in the layer. Formerly such actions were only forwarded if exactly one object was selected that could respond. See -forwardInvocation.

autoForwardYES to automatically forward, NO to only operate on a single selected object
- (void) setSelectedObjectsLocked: (BOOL lock

Locks or unlocks all the selected objects.

lockYES to lock the objects, NO to unlock them
- (void) setSelectedObjectsVisible: (BOOL visible

Hides or shows all of the objects in the selection.

Since hidden selected objects are not drawn, use with care, since usability may be severely compromised (for example, how are you going to be able to select hidden objects in order to show them?)

visibleYES to show the objects, NO to hide them
- (void) setSelection: (NSSet *)  sel

Sets the selection to a given set of objects.

For interactive selections, exchangeSelectionWithObjectsInArray: is more appropriate and efficient

sela set of objects to select
- (void) setSelectionChangesAreUndoable: (BOOL undoable

Set whether selection changes should be recorded for undo.

Different apps may want to treat selection changes as undoable state changes or not.

undoableYES to record selection changes, NO to not bother.
+ (void) setSelectionIsShownWhenInactive: (BOOL visInactive
- (void) setSelectionVisible: (BOOL vis

Sets whether the selection is actually shown or not.

Normally the selection should be visible, but some tools might want to hide it temporarily at certain well-defined times, such as when dragging objects.

visYES to show the selection, NO to hide it
- (BOOL) shouldGroupObjects: (NSArray *)  objectsToBeGrouped
intoGroup: (DKShapeGroup *)  aGroup 

Layer is about to group a number of objects.

The default does nothing and returns YES - subclasses could override this to enhance or refuse grouping. This is invoked by the high level groupObjects: action method.

objectsToBeGroupedthe objects about to be grouped
aGroupa group into which they will be placed
YES to proceed with the group, NO to abandon the grouping
- (BOOL) shouldUngroup: (DKShapeGroup *)  aGroup

A group object is about to be ungrouped.

The default does nothing - subclasses could override this. This is invoked by a group when it is about to ungroup - see [DKShapeGroup ungroupObjects:]

aGroupthe group about to be ungrouped
YES to allow the ungroup, NO to prevent it
- (IBAction) showObject: (id sender

Shows all selected objects.

senderthe action's sender
- (DKDrawableObject*) singleSelection

If the selection consists of a single available object, return it.

Otherwise nil.

This is useful for easily handling the case where an operation can only operate on one object to be meaningful. It is also used by the automatic invocation forwarding mechanism.

the selected object if it's the only one and it's available
- (CGFloat) totalHorizontalSpace: (NSArray *)  objects

Computes the amount of space available for a horizontal distribution operation.

The list of objects must be sorted into order of their horizontal location. The space is the total distance between the leftmost and rightmost objects, minus the sum of the widths of the objects in between

objectsthe objects to align
the total space available for distribution in the horizontal direction

Provided by category DKObjectDrawingLayer(Alignment).

- (CGFloat) totalVerticalSpace: (NSArray *)  objects

Computes the amount of space available for a vertical distribution operation.

The list of objects must be sorted into order of their vertical location. The space is the total distance between the top and bottom objects, minus the sum of the heights of the objects in between

objectsthe objects to align
the total space available for distribution in the vertical direction

Provided by category DKObjectDrawingLayer(Alignment).

- (IBAction) unghostObjects: (id sender

Set the selected objects unghosted.

Ghosted objects draw using an unobtrusive placeholder style

senderthe action's sender
- (IBAction) unlockObject: (id sender

Unlocks all selected objects.

senderthe action's sender