Vector and illustration framework for Mac OS X
Instance Methods | Class Methods | Protected Attributes | List of all members
DKAuxiliaryMenus Class Reference

Most drawables in DK have contextual menus associated with them. More...

Inheritance diagram for DKAuxiliaryMenus:
Inheritance graph

Instance Methods

(NSMenu *) - copyMenuForClass:
- Instance Methods inherited from NSObject
(NSString *) - address
(DKStyleRegistry *) - applicationWillReturnStyleRegistry
(BOOL- canBeUsedWithSelectionTool
(id- categoryManager:shouldReplaceObject:withObject:
(Class- classForCoder
(NSColor *) - colorValue
(NSColor *) - colourValue
(id- copy
(void) - dealloc
(id- deepCopy
(NSDictionary *) - dimensionValuesForArrowStroke:
(CGFloat- drawing:convertDistanceToExternalCoordinates:
(NSPoint) - drawing:convertLocationToExternalCoordinates:
(void) - drawing:didDrawRect:inView:
(void) - drawing:willDrawRect:inView:
(NSString *) - drawing:willReturnAbbreviationForUnit:
(NSString *) - drawing:willReturnFormattedCoordinateForDistance:
(CGFloat- drawingWillReturnUnitToPointsConversonFactor:
(void) - finalize
(NSString *) - hexString
(void) - hotspot:didEndTrackingWithEvent:inView:
(void) - hotspot:isTrackingWithEvent:inView:
(void) - hotspot:willBeginTrackingWithEvent:inView:
(NSData *) - imageData
(NSImage *) - imageResourceNamed:
(id- init
(id- initWithExpression:
(id- instantiateObjectWithShortName:parameters:
(BOOL- isLiteralValue
(void) - layoutManager:willPlaceGlyphAtIndex:atLocation:pathAngle:yOffset:
(void) - menuItem:wasAddedForObject:inCategory:
(BOOL- moveObjectTo:position:slope:userInfo:
(id- mutableCopy
(void) - oneShotComplete
(void) - oneShotHasReached:
(void) - oneShotWillBegin
(void) - path:elementIndex:type:points:subPathIndex:subPathClosed:contextInfo:
(id- placeLinkFromPoint:toPoint:onPath:linkNumber:userInfo:
(id- placeObjectAtPoint:onPath:position:slope:userInfo:
(NSPoint) - point
(NSPoint) - pointForTextLayout
(DKStyle *) - registry:shouldReplaceStyle:withStyle:
(NSBezierPath *) - renderer:willRenderPath:
(void) - routeFinder:progressHasReached:
(void) - setValue:forNumericParameter:
(NSString *) - stringValue
(CGFloat- taperFactorAtDistance:onPath:ofLength:
(void) - toolDidPerformUndoableAction:
(void) - toolWillPerformUndoableAction:
(NSURL *) - url
- Instance Methods inherited from <NSObject>
(NSString *) - description
(NSUInteger- hash
(BOOL- isEqual:
- Instance Methods inherited from <NSKeyValueBindingCreation>
(void) - bind:toObject:withKeyPath:options:
(NSArray *) - exposedBindings
(NSDictionary *) - infoForBinding:
(NSArray *) - optionDescriptionsForBinding:
(void) - unbind:
(Class- valueClassForBinding:

Class Methods

(DKAuxiliaryMenus *) + auxiliaryMenus
- Class Methods inherited from NSObject
(id+ alloc
(Class+ class
(void) + initialize
(void) + load
(id+ new
- Class Methods inherited from <NSKeyValueBindingCreation>
(void) + exposeBinding:

Protected Attributes

IBOutlet NSMenu * _DKArcPathMenu
IBOutlet NSMenu * _DKDrawableObjectMenu
IBOutlet NSMenu * _DKDrawablePathMenu
IBOutlet NSMenu * _DKDrawableShapeMenu
IBOutlet NSMenu * _DKImageShapeMenu
IBOutlet NSMenu * _DKRegularPolygonPathMenu
IBOutlet NSMenu * _DKShapeGroupMenu
IBOutlet NSMenu * _DKTextPathMenu
IBOutlet NSMenu * _DKTextShapeMenu
NSNib * mNib

Detailed Description

Most drawables in DK have contextual menus associated with them.

Contributions from the community; see CONTRIBUTORS.md

Most drawables in DK have contextual menus associated with them. This objects allows those menus to be simply defined in a nib file in the framework, and overridden by a similar file in the host app. This object supplies one menu per object class.

The default nib is set up so that the menus target first responder, such that DK's message forwarding handles menu validation as normal. When overriding the nib in an app, you need to copy the entire nib and extend or modify any menus as you wish.

Method Documentation

+ (DKAuxiliaryMenus*) auxiliaryMenus
- (NSMenu*) copyMenuForClass: (Class aClass

Member Data Documentation

- (IBOutlet NSMenu*) _DKArcPathMenu
- (IBOutlet NSMenu*) _DKDrawableObjectMenu
- (IBOutlet NSMenu*) _DKDrawablePathMenu
- (IBOutlet NSMenu*) _DKDrawableShapeMenu
- (IBOutlet NSMenu*) _DKImageShapeMenu
- (IBOutlet NSMenu*) _DKRegularPolygonPathMenu
- (IBOutlet NSMenu*) _DKShapeGroupMenu
- (IBOutlet NSMenu*) _DKTextPathMenu
- (IBOutlet NSMenu*) _DKTextShapeMenu
- (NSNib*) mNib