Vector and illustration framework for Mac OS X
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DKDrawingView Class Reference

DKDrawingView is the visible "front end" for the DKDrawing architecture. More...

Inheritance diagram for DKDrawingView:
Inheritance graph

Instance Methods

(DKLayer *) - activeLayer
 Returns the current active layer, by asking the controller for it. More...
(DKViewController *) - controller
 Return the view's controller. More...
(void) - createAutomaticDrawing
 Create an entire "back end" for the view. More...
(void) - createRulerMarkers
 Set up the markers for the rulers. More...
(void) - drawCropMarks
 Draws the crop marks if set to do so and the view is being printed. More...
(DKDrawing *) - drawing
 Return the drawing that the view will draw. More...
(void) - drawPageBreaks
 Draw page breaks based on the page break print info. More...
(NSTextStorage *) - editedText
 Return the text from the temporary editing view. More...
(void) - editorFrameChangedNotification:
 Respond to frame size changes in the text editor view. More...
(NSTextView *) - editText:inRect:delegate:
 Start editing text in a box within the view. More...
(NSTextView *) - editText:inRect:delegate:drawsBackground:
 Start editing text in a box within the view. More...
(void) - endTextEditing
 Stop the temporary text editing and get rid of the editing view. More...
(BOOL- isTextBeingEdited
 Is the text editor visible and active? More...
(DKViewController *) - makeViewController
 Creates a controller for this view that can be added to a drawing. More...
(void) - moveRulerMarkerNamed:toLocation:
 Set a ruler marker to a given position. More...
(NSBezierPath *) - pageBreakPathWithExtension:options:
 Returns a path which represents all of the printed page rectangles. More...
(BOOL- pageBreaksVisible
 Are page breaks vissble? More...
(DKCropMarkKind) - printCropMarkKind
 What sort of crop mark sare applied to printed output. More...
(NSPrintInfo *) - printInfo
 Return the print info to use for drawing the page breaks, paginating and general printing operations. More...
(void) - removeRulerMarkers
 Remove the markers from the rulers. More...
(void) - replaceControllerWithController:
 Sea new controller for this view. More...
(void) - resetRulerClientView
 Set up the client view for the rulers. More...
(void) - set
(void) - setController:
 Set the view's controller. More...
(void) - setPageBreaksVisible:
 Sets whether the page breaks are shown or not. More...
(void) - setPrintCropMarkKind:
 Set what kind of crop marks printed output includes. More...
(void) - setPrintInfo:
(NSTextView *) - textEditingView
 Return the current temporary text editing view. More...
(IBAction) - toggleRuler:
 Show or hide the ruler. More...
(IBAction) - toggleShowPageBreaks:
(void) - updateRulerMouseTracking:
 Set the ruler lines to the current mouse point. More...
(void) - windowActiveStateChanged:
 Invalidate the view when window active state changes. More...
- Instance Methods inherited from GCZoomView
(NSPoint) - centredPointInDocView
 Calculates the coordinates of the point that is visually centred in the view at the current scroll position and zoom. More...
(BOOL- isChangingScale
 Returns whether the scale is being changed. More...
(CGFloat- maximumScale
 Returns the maximum permitted view scale (zoom) More...
(CGFloat- minimumScale
 Returns the minimum permitted view scale (zoom) More...
(CGFloat- scale
 Returns the current view scale (zoom) More...
(void) - scrollPointToCentre:
 Scrolls the view so that the point ends up visually centred. More...
(void) - setMaximumScale:
 Sets the maximum permitted view scale (zoom) More...
(void) - setMinimumScale:
 Sets the minimum permitted view scale (zoom) More...
(void) - setScale:
 Zooms the view to the given scale. More...
(IBAction) - zoomFitInWindow:
 Zoom so that the entire extent of the enclosing frame is visible. More...
(IBAction) - zoomIn:
 Zoom in (scale up) by a factor of 2. More...
(IBAction) - zoomMax:
(IBAction) - zoomMin:
(IBAction) - zoomOut:
 Zoom out (scale down) by a factor of 2. More...
(IBAction) - zoomToActualSize:
 Restore the zoom to 100%. More...
(IBAction) - zoomToPercentageWithTag:
 Takes the senders tag value as the desired percentage. More...
(void) - zoomViewByFactor:
 Zoom by the desired scaling factor. More...
(void) - zoomViewByFactor:andCentrePoint:
 Zooms the view by the given factor and centres the passed point. More...
(void) - zoomViewToAbsoluteScale:
(void) - zoomViewToFitRect:
 Zooms so that the passed rect will fit in the view. More...
(void) - zoomViewToRect:
 Zooms so that the passed rect fills the view. More...
(void) - zoomWithScrollWheelDelta:toCentrePoint:
- Instance Methods inherited from NSObject
(NSString *) - address
(DKStyleRegistry *) - applicationWillReturnStyleRegistry
(BOOL- canBeUsedWithSelectionTool
(id- categoryManager:shouldReplaceObject:withObject:
(Class- classForCoder
(NSColor *) - colorValue
(NSColor *) - colourValue
(id- copy
(void) - dealloc
(id- deepCopy
(NSDictionary *) - dimensionValuesForArrowStroke:
(CGFloat- drawing:convertDistanceToExternalCoordinates:
(NSPoint) - drawing:convertLocationToExternalCoordinates:
(void) - drawing:didDrawRect:inView:
(void) - drawing:willDrawRect:inView:
(NSString *) - drawing:willReturnAbbreviationForUnit:
(NSString *) - drawing:willReturnFormattedCoordinateForDistance:
(CGFloat- drawingWillReturnUnitToPointsConversonFactor:
(void) - finalize
(NSString *) - hexString
(void) - hotspot:didEndTrackingWithEvent:inView:
(void) - hotspot:isTrackingWithEvent:inView:
(void) - hotspot:willBeginTrackingWithEvent:inView:
(NSData *) - imageData
(id- init
(id- initWithExpression:
(id- instantiateObjectWithShortName:parameters:
(BOOL- isLiteralValue
(void) - layoutManager:willPlaceGlyphAtIndex:atLocation:pathAngle:yOffset:
(void) - menuItem:wasAddedForObject:inCategory:
(BOOL- moveObjectTo:position:slope:userInfo:
(id- mutableCopy
(void) - oneShotComplete
(void) - oneShotHasReached:
(void) - oneShotWillBegin
(void) - path:elementIndex:type:points:subPathIndex:subPathClosed:contextInfo:
(id- placeLinkFromPoint:toPoint:onPath:linkNumber:userInfo:
(id- placeObjectAtPoint:onPath:position:slope:userInfo:
(NSPoint) - point
(NSPoint) - pointForTextLayout
(DKStyle *) - registry:shouldReplaceStyle:withStyle:
(NSBezierPath *) - renderer:willRenderPath:
(void) - routeFinder:progressHasReached:
(void) - setValue:forNumericParameter:
(NSString *) - stringValue
(CGFloat- taperFactorAtDistance:onPath:ofLength:
(void) - toolDidPerformUndoableAction:
(void) - toolWillPerformUndoableAction:
(NSURL *) - url
- Instance Methods inherited from <NSObject>
(NSString *) - description
(NSUInteger- hash
(BOOL- isEqual:
- Instance Methods inherited from <NSKeyValueBindingCreation>
(void) - bind:toObject:withKeyPath:options:
(NSArray *) - exposedBindings
(NSDictionary *) - infoForBinding:
(NSArray *) - optionDescriptionsForBinding:
(void) - unbind:
(Class- valueClassForBinding:
- Instance Methods inherited from <NSCoding>
(void) - encodeWithCoder:
(id- initWithCoder:

Class Methods

(NSColor *) + backgroundColour
 Return the colour used to draw the background area of the scrollview outside the drawing area. More...
(DKDrawingView *) + currentlyDrawingView
 Return the view currently drawing. More...
(NSImage *) + imageResourceNamed:
 Return an image resource from the framework bundle. More...
(NSColor *) + pageBreakColour
 Get the colour used to draw the page breaks. More...
(NSPoint) + pointForLastContextualMenuEvent
 Get the point for the initial mouse down that last opened a contextual menu. More...
(void) + pop
(void) + setPageBreakColour:
 Set the colour used to draw the page breaks. More...
Temporary Text Editor

Setting the class to use for the temporary text editor

(Class+ classForTextEditor
(void) + setClassForTextEditor:
(void) + setTextEditorAllowsTypingUndo:
(BOOL+ textEditorAllowsTypingUndo
- Class Methods inherited from GCZoomView
(BOOL+ scrollwheelInverted
 Return whether view zooms in or out for a given scrollwheel rotation direction. More...
(NSUInteger+ scrollwheelModifierKeyMask
 Return the default zoom key mask used by new instances of this class. More...
(BOOL+ scrollwheelZoomEnabled
 Return whether scroll-wheel zooming is enabled. More...
(void) + setScrollwheelInverted:
 Set whether view zooms in or out for a given scrollwheel rotation direction. More...
(void) + setScrollwheelModiferKeyMask:
 Set the modifier key(s) that will activate zooming using the scrollwheel. More...
(void) + setScrollwheelZoomEnabled:
 Set whether scroll-wheel zooming is enabled. More...
- Class Methods inherited from NSObject
(id+ alloc
(Class+ class
(void) + initialize
(void) + load
(id+ new
- Class Methods inherited from <NSKeyValueBindingCreation>
(void) + exposeBinding:

Detailed Description

DKDrawingView is the visible "front end" for the DKDrawing architecture.

A drawing can have multiple views into the same drawing data model, each with independent scales, scroll positions and so forth, but all showing the same drawing. Manipulating the drawing through any view updates all of the views. In many cases there will only be one view. The views are not required to be in the same window.

The actual contents of the drawing are all supplied by DKDrawing - all this does is call it to render its contents.

If the drawing system is built by hand, the drawing owns the view controller(s), and some other object (a document for example) will own the drawing. However, like NSTextView, if you don't build a system by hand, this creates a default one for you which it takes ownership of. By default this consists of 3 layers - a grid layer, a guide layer and a standard object layer. You can change this however you like, it's there just as a construction convenience.

Note that because the controllers are owned by the drawing, there is no retain cycle even when the view owns the drawing. Views are owned by their parent view or window, not by their controller.

Method Documentation

- (DKLayer*) activeLayer

Returns the current active layer, by asking the controller for it.

DKDrawing maintains the active layer - look there for a method to set it

a layer, the one that is currently active

Provided by category DKDrawingView(DropHandling).

+ (NSColor*) backgroundColour

Return the colour used to draw the background area of the scrollview outside the drawing area.

a colour
+ (Class) classForTextEditor
- (DKViewController*) controller

Return the view's controller.

the controller
- (void) createAutomaticDrawing

Create an entire "back end" for the view.

Normally you create a drawing, and add layers to it. However, you can also let the view create the drawing back-end for you. This will occur when the view is asked to draw and there is no back end. This method does the building. This feature means you can simply drop a drawingView into a NIB and get a functional drawing program. For more sophisticated needs however, you really need to build it yourself.

- (void) createRulerMarkers

Set up the markers for the rulers.

Done as part of the view's initialization - markers are initially created offscreen.

+ (DKDrawingView*) currentlyDrawingView

Return the view currently drawing.

This is only valid during a drawRect: call - some internal parts of DK use this to obtain the view doing the drawing when they do not have a direct parameter to it.

the current view that is drawing
- (void) drawCropMarks

Draws the crop marks if set to do so and the view is being printed.

- (DKDrawing*) drawing

Return the drawing that the view will draw.

The drawing is obtained via the controller, and may be nil if the controller hasn't been added to a drawing yet. Even when the view owns the drawing (for auto back-end) you should use this method to get a view's drawing.

a drawing object
- (void) drawPageBreaks

Draw page breaks based on the page break print info.

- (NSTextStorage*) editedText

Return the text from the temporary editing view.

This must be called prior to calling -endTextEditing, because the storage is made empty at that time

the text
- (void) editorFrameChangedNotification: (NSNotification *)  note

Respond to frame size changes in the text editor view.

This tidies up the display when the editor frame changes size. The frame can change during editing depending on how the client has configured it, but to prevent bits from being left behind when the frame is made smaller, this simply invalidates the previous frame rect.

notethe notification
- (NSTextView*) editText: (NSAttributedString *)  text
inRect: (NSRect rect
delegate: (id del 

Start editing text in a box within the view.

When an object in the drawing wishes to allow the user to edit some text, it can use this utility to set up the editor. This creates a subview for text editing with the nominated text and the bounds rect given within the drawing. The text is installed, selected and activated. User actions then edit that text. When done, call endTextEditing. To get the text edited, call editedText before ending the mode. You can only set one item at a time to be editable.

textthe text to edit
rectthe position and size of the text box to edit within
dela delegate object
the temporary text view created to handle the job
- (NSTextView*) editText: (NSAttributedString *)  text
inRect: (NSRect rect
delegate: (id del
drawsBackground: (BOOL drawBkGnd 

Start editing text in a box within the view.

When an object in the drawing wishes to allow the user to edit some text, it can use this utility to set up the editor. This creates a subview for text editing with the nominated text and the bounds rect given within the drawing. The text is installed, selected and activated. User actions then edit that text. When done, call endTextEditing. To get the text edited, call editedText before ending the mode. You can only set one item at a time to be editable.

textthe text to edit
rectthe position and size of the text box to edit within
dela delegate object
drawBkGndYES to draw a background, NO to have transparent text
the temporary text view created to handle the job
- (void) endTextEditing

Stop the temporary text editing and get rid of the editing view.

+ (NSImage*) imageResourceNamed: (NSString *)  name

Return an image resource from the framework bundle.

namethe image name
the image, if available

Reimplemented from NSObject.

- (BOOL) isTextBeingEdited

Is the text editor visible and active?

Clients should not generally start a text editing operation if there is already one in progress, though if they do the old one is immediately ended anyway.

YES if text editing is in progress, NO otherwise
- (DKViewController*) makeViewController

Creates a controller for this view that can be added to a drawing.

Normally you wouldn't call this yourself unless you are building the entire DK system by hand rather than using DKDrawDocument or automatic drawing creation. You can override it to create different kinds of controller however. Th edefault controller is DKToolController so that DK provides you with a set of working drawing tools by default.

a controller, an instance of DKViewController or one of its subclasses
- (void) moveRulerMarkerNamed: (NSString *)  markerName
toLocation: (CGFloat loc 

Set a ruler marker to a given position.

Generally called from the view's controller

markerNamethe name of the marker to move
loca position value to move the ruler marker to
+ (NSColor*) pageBreakColour

Get the colour used to draw the page breaks.

a colour
- (NSBezierPath*) pageBreakPathWithExtension: (CGFloat amount
options: (DKCropMarkKind)  options 

Returns a path which represents all of the printed page rectangles.

Any extension may not end up visible when printed depending on the printer's margin settings, etc. The only supported option currently is kDKCornerOnly, which generates corner crop marks rather than the full rectangles.

amountthe extension amount by which each line is extended beyond the end of the corner. May be 0.
optionscrop marks kind
a bezier path, may be stroked in various ways to show page breaks, crop marks, etc.
- (BOOL) pageBreaksVisible

Are page breaks vissble?

YES if page breaks are visible
+ (NSPoint) pointForLastContextualMenuEvent

Get the point for the initial mouse down that last opened a contextual menu.

a point in the drawing's coordinates
+ (void) pop
- (DKCropMarkKind) printCropMarkKind

What sort of crop mark sare applied to printed output.

Default is no crop marks

the crop mark kind
- (NSPrintInfo*) printInfo

Return the print info to use for drawing the page breaks, paginating and general printing operations.

a NSPrintInfo object

Implemented in DKPrintDrawingView.

- (void) removeRulerMarkers

Remove the markers from the rulers.

- (void) replaceControllerWithController: (DKViewController *)  newController

Sea new controller for this view.

This is a convenience that allows a controller to be simply instantiated and passed in, replacing the existing controller. Note that -setController: does NOT achieve that. The drawing must already exist for this to work.

newControllerthe new controller
- (void) resetRulerClientView

Set up the client view for the rulers.

Done as part of the view's initialization

- (void) set
+ (void) setClassForTextEditor: (Class aClass
- (void) setController: (DKViewController *)  aController

Set the view's controller.

Do not call this directly - the controller will call it to set up the relationship at the right time.

aControllerthe controller for this view
+ (void) setPageBreakColour: (NSColor *)  colour

Set the colour used to draw the page breaks.

colourthe colour to draw page breaks with
- (void) setPageBreaksVisible: (BOOL pbVisible

Sets whether the page breaks are shown or not.

Page breaks also need a valid printInfo object set

pbVisibleYES to show the page breaks, NO otherwise
- (void) setPrintCropMarkKind: (DKCropMarkKind)  kind

Set what kind of crop marks printed output includes.

Default is no crop marks

kindthe kind of crop mark (including none)
- (void) setPrintInfo: (NSPrintInfo *)  printInfo

Implemented in DKPrintDrawingView.

+ (void) setTextEditorAllowsTypingUndo: (BOOL allowUndo
- (NSTextView*) textEditingView

Return the current temporary text editing view.

the text editing view, or nil
+ (BOOL) textEditorAllowsTypingUndo
- (IBAction) toggleRuler: (id sender

Show or hide the ruler.

senderthe action's sender
- (IBAction) toggleShowPageBreaks: (id sender
- (void) updateRulerMouseTracking: (NSPoint)  mouse

Set the ruler lines to the current mouse point.

N.b. on 10.4 and earlier, there is a bug in NSRulerView that prevents both h and v ruler lines showing up correctly at the same time. No workaround is known. Fixed in 10.5+

mousethe current mouse poin tin local coordinates
- (void) windowActiveStateChanged: (NSNotification *)  note

Invalidate the view when window active state changes.

Drawings can change appearance when the active state changes, for example selections are drawn in inactive colour, etc. This makes sure that the drawing is refreshed when the state does change.

notethe notification