Vector and illustration framework for Mac OS X
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DKStyleRegistry Class Reference

The style registry is a singleton category manager instance that consolidates styles from a variety of sources into a single app-wide "database" of styles, organised into categories. More...

Inheritance diagram for DKStyleRegistry:
Inheritance graph

Instance Methods

(NSMenu *) - managedStylesMenuWithItemTarget:itemAction:
 Creates a new fully managed menu that lists all the styles, organised into categories. More...
(DKStyle *) - mergeFromStyle:mergeDelegate:
(BOOL- readFromFile:mergeOptions:mergeDelegate:
 Merge the contents of a file into the registry. More...
(void) - removeAllStyles
 Set the registry empty. More...
(void) - setNeedsUIUpdate
(void) - styleDidChange:
(DKStyle *) - styleForKey:
(NSString *) - styleNameForKey:
 Return the style's name given its key. More...
(NSArray *) - styleNames
 Return a list of all the registered styles' names, in alphabetical order. More...
(NSArray *) - styleNamesInCategory:
 Return a list of the registered styles' names in the category, in alphabetical order. More...
(NSSet *) - stylesInCategories:
 Return the set of styles in the given categories. More...
(NSString *) - uniqueNameForName:
 Return a modified name to resolve a collision with names already in use. More...
(BOOL- writeToFile:atomically:
 Write the registry to a file. More...
- Instance Methods inherited from DKCategoryManager
(void) - addCategories:
 Create a new categories with the given names. More...
(void) - addCategory:
 Create a new category with the given name. More...
(void) - addDefaultCategories
 Add the default categories defined for this class or object. More...
(void) - addKey:toCategories:createCategories:
 Adds a new key to several categories, optionally creating any if necessary. More...
(void) - addKey:toCategory:createCategory:
 Adds a new key to a category, optionally creating it if necessary. More...
(BOOL- addKey:toRecentList:
 Add a key to one of the 'recent' lists. More...
(void) - addObject:forKey:toCategories:createCategories:
 Add an object to the container, associating with a key and optionally a number of categories. More...
(void) - addObject:forKey:toCategory:createCategory:
 Add an object to the container, associating with a key and optionally a category. More...
(NSArray *) - allCategories
 Get a list of all categories. More...
(NSArray *) - allKeys
(NSArray *) - allKeysInCategories:
 Return all of the keys in all given categories. More...
(NSArray *) - allKeysInCategory:
 Return all of the keys in a given category. More...
(NSArray *) - allObjects
 Return all of the objects. More...
(NSArray *) - allSortedKeysInCategory:
 Return all of the keys in a given category, sorted into some useful order. More...
(NSArray *) - allSortedNamesInCategory:
 Return all of the names in a given category, sorted into some useful order. More...
(BOOL- appendContentsWithData:
 Retain all existing content, and load additional content from the archive data passed. More...
(NSArray *) - categoriesContainingKey:
 Get a list of all categories that contain a given key. More...
(NSArray *) - categoriesContainingKey:withSorting:
(NSMenu *) - categoriesMenuWithSelector:target:
 Creates a menu of categories, recent items and All Items. More...
(NSMenu *) - categoriesMenuWithSelector:target:options:
 Creates a menu of categories, recent items and All Items. More...
(BOOL- categoryExists:
 Test whether there is a category of the given name. More...
(void) - checkItemsInMenu:forCategoriesContainingKey:
 Sets the checkmarks in a menu of category names to reflect the presence of <key> in those categories. More...
(BOOL- containsKey:
(void) - copyItemsFromCategoryManager:
 Retain all existing content, and load additional content from the cat manager passed. More...
(NSUInteger- count
 Return total number of stored objects in container. More...
(NSUInteger- countOfCategories
 Get the count of all categories. More...
(NSUInteger- countOfObjectsInCategory:
 Count how many objects in the category of the given name. More...
(NSMenu *) - createMenuWithItemDelegate:isPopUpMenu:
 Creates a complete menu of the entire contents of the receiver, arranged by category. More...
(NSMenu *) - createMenuWithItemDelegate:itemTarget:itemAction:options:
(NSMenu *) - createMenuWithItemDelegate:options:
(NSData *) - data
 Archives the container to a data object (for saving, etc) More...
(NSData *) - dataWithFormat:
(NSArray *) - defaultCategories
 Return the default categories defined for this class or object. More...
(NSDictionary *) - dictionary
 Return a copy of the master dictionary. More...
(NSString *) - fileType
 Return the filetype (for saving, etc) More...
(void) - fixUpCategories
 Checks that all keys refer to real objects, removing any that do not. More...
(id- initWithData:
 Initialized a category manager object from archive data. More...
(id- initWithDictionary:
 Initialized a category manager object from an existing dictionary. More...
(BOOL- key:existsInCategory:
 Query whether a given key is present in a particular category. More...
(NSArray *) - keysForObject:
 Returns a list of all unique keys that refer to the given object. More...
(id- mergeObject:mergeDelegate:
 Asks delegate to make decision about the merging of an object. More...
(NSSet *) - mergeObjectsFromSet:inCategories:mergeOptions:mergeDelegate:
 Smartly merges objects into the category manager. More...
(id- objectForKey:
 Return the object for the given key, but do not remember it in the "recently used" list. More...
(id- objectForKey:addToRecentlyUsedItems:
 Return the object for the given key, optionally remembering it in the "recently used" list. More...
(NSArray *) - objectsInCategories:
 Return all of the objects belonging to the given categories. More...
(NSArray *) - objectsInCategory:
 Return all of the objects belonging to a given category. More...
(NSArray *) - recentlyAddedItems
 Return the list of recently added items. More...
(NSArray *) - recentlyUsedItems
 Return the list of recently used items. More...
(void) - removeAllCategories
 Removes all categories and objects from the CM. More...
(void) - removeAllObjects
 Removes all objects from the container. More...
(void) - removeCategory:
 Remove a category with the given name. More...
(void) - removeKey:fromCategories:
 Removes a key from a number of categories. More...
(void) - removeKey:fromCategory:
 Removes a key from a category. More...
(void) - removeKey:fromRecentList:
 Remove a key from one of the 'recent' lists. More...
(void) - removeKeyFromAllCategories:
 Removes a key from all categories. More...
(void) - removeMenu:
 Removes the menu from the list of managed menus. More...
(void) - removeObjectForKey:
 Remove an object from the container. More...
(void) - removeObjectsForKeys:
 Remove multiple objects from the container. More...
(void) - renameCategory:to:
 Change a category's name. More...
(void) - renameKey:to:
 Renames an object's key throughout. More...
(BOOL- replaceContentsWithData:
 Discard all existing content, then reload from the archive data passed. More...
(NSArray *) - reservedCategories
 Get a list of reserved categories - those that should not be deleted or renamed. More...
(void) - setRecentList:maxItems:
 Sets the maximum length of on eof the 'recent' lists. More...
(void) - setRecentlyAddedItems:
 Replaces the recently added items with new items, up to the current max. More...
(void) - setRecentlyAddedListEnabled:
 Set whether the "recent;y added" list accepts new items or not. More...
(void) - updateMenusForKey:
 Synchronises the menus to reflect any change of the object referenced by <key> More...
- Instance Methods inherited from NSObject
(NSString *) - address
(DKStyleRegistry *) - applicationWillReturnStyleRegistry
(BOOL- canBeUsedWithSelectionTool
(id- categoryManager:shouldReplaceObject:withObject:
(Class- classForCoder
(NSColor *) - colorValue
(NSColor *) - colourValue
(id- copy
(void) - dealloc
(id- deepCopy
(NSDictionary *) - dimensionValuesForArrowStroke:
(CGFloat- drawing:convertDistanceToExternalCoordinates:
(NSPoint) - drawing:convertLocationToExternalCoordinates:
(void) - drawing:didDrawRect:inView:
(void) - drawing:willDrawRect:inView:
(NSString *) - drawing:willReturnAbbreviationForUnit:
(NSString *) - drawing:willReturnFormattedCoordinateForDistance:
(CGFloat- drawingWillReturnUnitToPointsConversonFactor:
(void) - finalize
(NSString *) - hexString
(void) - hotspot:didEndTrackingWithEvent:inView:
(void) - hotspot:isTrackingWithEvent:inView:
(void) - hotspot:willBeginTrackingWithEvent:inView:
(NSData *) - imageData
(NSImage *) - imageResourceNamed:
(id- init
(id- initWithExpression:
(id- instantiateObjectWithShortName:parameters:
(BOOL- isLiteralValue
(void) - layoutManager:willPlaceGlyphAtIndex:atLocation:pathAngle:yOffset:
(void) - menuItem:wasAddedForObject:inCategory:
(BOOL- moveObjectTo:position:slope:userInfo:
(id- mutableCopy
(void) - oneShotComplete
(void) - oneShotHasReached:
(void) - oneShotWillBegin
(void) - path:elementIndex:type:points:subPathIndex:subPathClosed:contextInfo:
(id- placeLinkFromPoint:toPoint:onPath:linkNumber:userInfo:
(id- placeObjectAtPoint:onPath:position:slope:userInfo:
(NSPoint) - point
(NSPoint) - pointForTextLayout
(DKStyle *) - registry:shouldReplaceStyle:withStyle:
(NSBezierPath *) - renderer:willRenderPath:
(void) - routeFinder:progressHasReached:
(void) - setValue:forNumericParameter:
(NSString *) - stringValue
(CGFloat- taperFactorAtDistance:onPath:ofLength:
(void) - toolDidPerformUndoableAction:
(void) - toolWillPerformUndoableAction:
(NSURL *) - url
- Instance Methods inherited from <NSObject>
(NSString *) - description
(NSUInteger- hash
(BOOL- isEqual:
- Instance Methods inherited from <NSKeyValueBindingCreation>
(void) - bind:toObject:withKeyPath:options:
(NSArray *) - exposedBindings
(NSDictionary *) - infoForBinding:
(NSArray *) - optionDescriptionsForBinding:
(void) - unbind:
(Class- valueClassForBinding:
- Instance Methods inherited from <NSCoding>
(void) - encodeWithCoder:
(id- initWithCoder:
- Instance Methods inherited from <NSCopying>
(id- copyWithZone:

Class Methods

(NSDictionary *) + compareStylesInSet:
 Preflight a set of styles against the registry for a possible future merge operation. More...
(void) + loadDefaults
 Loads the registry from the current user defaults. More...
(NSMenu *) + managedStylesMenuWithItemTarget:itemAction:
(NSSet *) + mergeStyles:inCategories:options:mergeDelegate:
 Merge a set of styles with the registry. More...
(NSArray *) + registeredStyleKeys
 Return the entire list of keys of the styles in the registry. More...
(NSData *) + registeredStylesData
 Return data that can be saved to a file, etc. More...
(void) + registerSolidColourFillsFromListNamed:asCategory:
 Creates a series of fill styles having the solid colours given by the named NSColorList, and adds them to the registry using the named category. More...
(void) + registerSolidColourStrokesFromListNamed:asCategory:
 Creates a series of stroke styles having the solid colours given by the named NSColorList, and adds them to the registry using the named category. More...
(void) + registerStyle:
 Register the style with the registry. More...
(void) + registerStyle:inCategories:
 Register the style with the registry. More...
(void) + registerStylesFromArray:inCategories:
 Register a list of styles with the registry. More...
(void) + registerStylesFromArray:inCategories:ignoringDuplicateNames:
 Register a list of styles with the registry. More...
(void) + resetRegistry
 Reset the registry back to a "first run" condition. More...
(void) + saveDefaults
 Saves the registry to the current user defaults. More...
(void) + setNeedsUIUpdate
 Send a notification that the contents of the registry has changed so any UI displaying it should be updated. More...
(void) + setShouldNotAddDKDefaultCategory:
 Sets whether DK defaults category containing the default styles shoul dbe registered when the registry is built or reset. More...
(void) + setStyleNotificationsEnabled:
(DKStyleRegistry *) + sharedStyleRegistry
 Return the single global style registry object. More...
(DKStyle *) + styleForKey:
 Return the style registerd with the given key. More...
(DKStyle *) + styleForKeyAddingToRecentlyUsed:
 Return the style registerd with the given key. More...
(void) + unregisterStyle:
 Remove the style from the registry. More...
- Class Methods inherited from DKCategoryManager
(DKCategoryManager *) + categoryManager
 Returns a new category manager object. More...
(NSString *) + categoryManagerKeyForObject:
 Given an object, return a key that can be used to store it in the category manager. More...
(DKCategoryManager *) + categoryManagerWithDictionary:
 Returns a new category manager object based on an existing dictionary. More...
(id+ dearchivingHelper
(NSArray *) + defaultCategories
 Return the default categories defined for this class. More...
(void) + setDearchivingHelper:
- Class Methods inherited from NSObject
(id+ alloc
(Class+ class
(void) + initialize
(void) + load
(id+ new
- Class Methods inherited from <NSKeyValueBindingCreation>
(void) + exposeBinding:

Detailed Description

The style registry is a singleton category manager instance that consolidates styles from a variety of sources into a single app-wide "database" of styles, organised into categories.

Styles can come from these sources:

  1. The application defaults, if the app is launched with no library preferences available (i.e. first run).
  2. The styles library, which is the complete registry saved to disk (user prefs) at quit time.
  3. A document, when it is opened.
  4. A separate file containing just styles.
  5. A new style being created and registered by the user as the app is used.
    The point of the registry is twofold:

A. It permits the construction of a UI for accessing pre-built styles and applying them to objects in a drawing. By organising styles into categories, potentially large number of styles may be managed effectively.

B. It tracks styles across any number of documents as they are created. For example if a document uses a particular registered style, when that document is reopened at a later date, the style can be recognised and linked to the same style in the registry. If the style has changed in the meantime so that there is a difference between the saved style and the currently registered version, the user can be offered the option to update the style in the document to match the registry, update the registry to match the document, or to re-register the style as a new version.

Note the registry is not mandatory - an app using DK can use styles without registering them if it wishes. The advantage of the registry is that it permits styles to persist and be tracked across multiple documents, saving the user from having to redefine styles for every new graphic.

In order for the registry to uniquely and positively identify a style, its unique ID is used as its key. The unique ID is assigned when the style first comes into existence and cannot be changed. It is a string representation of a UUID so is guaranteed unique.

UUID's are not very user friendly and should never be exposed by an application's user interface. Thus a style also has an ordinary descriptive name which can be displayed in the UI. Such names are not guaranteed to be unique however, as the user is free to enter whatever name they wish. When a style is first registered the name may be changed to avoid a collision with an already registered style having the same name - this is done by appending 1, 2, 3 etc until the name doesn't collide. However this is just done to disambiguate the style for the user - it is not intended to guarantee uniqueness so that the name can be used as a key to the object.

A user interface will want to use the ordinary names, but internally must be set up to use the unique ID or the object itself to avoid any confusion as to which style is actually being referred to. For example a menu of available styles could use the UUID or the object as the represented object of the menu item. DO NOT USE THE ORDINARY NAME AS A KEY.

Locking. Styles in the registry are usually locked. This is to prevent accidental alteration of a style that may be being used across many documents. When a style is added to the registry, it should be unlocked (because the name might need to be automatically changed) but the registry will lock the style upon a successful operation.

Styles in a document. Styles used in a document may or may not be registered. A user may never register a style, but still have many styles defined in a document. Such styles work normally and can be copied and pasted and shared between objects if set to do so - use of styles is not dependent in any way upon the registry. When the document is saved, a flag as to whether the style was registered or not is saved with it. When the document is opened again later, such flagged styles will be optionally reconnected to the style registry so that the actual style used is always the registered style, so if the style is updated, existing documents are offered the opportunity to use the updated version.

As well as any user-defined categories, documents may wish to create a temporary category using the document's name which gives the user a way to quickly discover the complete set of registered styles used in a document. The category should be removed when the document is closed. DKDrawDocument implements this behaviour by default, so if your document class is based on it, your app can get this feature for free.

Registering a style. The style registry performs the following steps:

  1. It checks that the style is not already registered. If it is, it does no more.
  2. It checks that the style is unlocked. If not, an exception is thrown.
  3. It resolves the style's name so that there are no collisions with any existing style's name, and changes the style's name if needed.
  4. It creates any new categories as requested (depends on the particular method used to register the style). If no specific categories are requested, the style is added to the default category.
  5. It adds the style to the registry using its unique ID as the key.
  6. It locks the style.

Cut/Paste: cut and paste of styles works independently of the registry, including dealing with shared styles. See DKStyle for more info.

Method Documentation

+ (NSDictionary*) compareStylesInSet: (NSSet *)  styles

Preflight a set of styles against the registry for a possible future merge operation.

This is a way to test a set of styles against the registry prior to a merge operation (preflight). It compares each style in the set with the current registry, and returns a dictionary keyed off the style's unique key. The values in the dictionary are NSNumbers indicating whether the style is older, the same, newer or unknown. The caller can use this info to make decisions about a merge before doing it, if they wish, or to present the info to the user.

stylesa set of styles
a dictionary, listing for each style whether it is unknown, older, the same or newer than the registry styles having the same keys.
+ (void) loadDefaults

Loads the registry from the current user defaults.

If used, this should be called early in the application launch sequence

- (NSMenu*) managedStylesMenuWithItemTarget: (id target
itemAction: (SEL selector 

Creates a new fully managed menu that lists all the styles, organised into categories.

The returned menu is fully managed, that is, the Style Registry keeps it in synch with all changes to the registry and to the styles themselves. The menu can be assigned to UI controls such as a represented object is the style, and the item shows a swatch and the style's name. The menus are ordered alphabetically. This is intended as a very high-level method to support the most common usage. If you need to pass different options or wish to handle each item differently, DKCategoryManager has more flexible methods that expose more detail.

targetthe target object assigned to each menu item
selectorthe action sent by each menu item
a menu
+ (NSMenu*) managedStylesMenuWithItemTarget: (id target
itemAction: (SEL selector 
- (DKStyle*) mergeFromStyle: (DKStyle *)  aStyle
mergeDelegate: (id aDel 
+ (NSSet*) mergeStyles: (NSSet *)  styles
inCategories: (NSArray *)  styleCategories
options: (DKStyleMergeOptions)  options
mergeDelegate: (id aDel 

Merge a set of styles with the registry.

This method is for merging sets of styles read in with a document or file. The document will have already sorted the loaded styles into those which were formerly registered and those which were not

  • <styles> is the set that was. The doc may elect to create a category with the doc's name, this can be passed in <styleCategories>. The options dictate how the merge is to be done - either doc styles dominate or reg styles dominate, or else the doc styles are copied and reregistered afresh. The returned set is the set that the document should use, and will need to replace styles in the document with a matching uniqueKey with those in the set (thus if the reg dominates, it can in this way update the document's contents). If the doc wishes to remove the category when it closes, it can do so using the category manager API.
    stylesa set of one or more styles
    styleCategoriesa list of categories to add the styles to if they are added (one or more NSStrings)
    optionscontrol flags for changing the preferred direction of merging, etc.
    aDelan optional delegate object that can make a merge decision for each individual style object
    a set of styles that should replace those with the same key in whatever structure made the call. can be nil if there is no need to do anything.
- (BOOL) readFromFile: (NSString *)  path
mergeOptions: (DKStyleMergeOptions)  options
mergeDelegate: (id aDel 

Merge the contents of a file into the registry.

Reads styles from the file at <path> into the registry. Styles are merged as indicated by the options, etc. The intention of this method is to load a file containing styles only - either to augment or replace the existing registry. It is not used when opening a drawing document. If the intention is to replace the reg, the caller should clear out the current one before calling this.

paththe full path of the file to write
optionsmerging options
aDelan optional delegate object that can make a merge decision for each individual style object
YES if the file was read and merged sucessfully, NO otherwise
+ (NSArray*) registeredStyleKeys

Return the entire list of keys of the styles in the registry.

an array listing all of the keys in the registry
+ (NSData*) registeredStylesData

Return data that can be saved to a file, etc.

representing the registry

NSData of the entire registry
+ (void) registerSolidColourFillsFromListNamed: (NSString *)  name
asCategory: (NSString *)  catName 

Creates a series of fill styles having the solid colours given by the named NSColorList, and adds them to the registry using the named category.

The named color list must exist - see [NSColorList availableColorLists];

namethe name of a NSColorList
catNamethe name of the registry category - if nil, use the colorList name
+ (void) registerSolidColourStrokesFromListNamed: (NSString *)  name
asCategory: (NSString *)  catName 

Creates a series of stroke styles having the solid colours given by the named NSColorList, and adds them to the registry using the named category.

The named color list must exist - see [NSColorList availableColorLists];

namethe name of a NSColorList
catNamethe name of the registry category - if nil, use the colorList name
+ (void) registerStyle: (DKStyle *)  aStyle

Register the style with the registry.

This method registers styles in the "All User Styles" category only. If the style is already registered this does nothing. Registering a style locks it as a side effect (safety feature). The styles is registered using the value returned by its -uniqueKey method, which is set once for all time when the style is initialized. In general you should not interpret or display these keys. If the style's name is the same as another registered style's name, this style' name is changed by appending digits until the name collision is resolved. However the name is not the key and shouldn't be used as one.

aStylethe style to register
+ (void) registerStyle: (DKStyle *)  aStyle
inCategories: (NSArray *)  styleCategories 

Register the style with the registry.

See notes for registerStyle: if the categories do not exist they are created.

aStylethe style to register
styleCategoriesa list of one or more categories to list the style in (list of NSStrings)
+ (void) registerStylesFromArray: (NSArray *)  styles
inCategories: (NSArray *)  styleCategories 

Register a list of styles with the registry.

See notes for registerStyle: if the categories do not exist they are created.

stylesan array of DKStyle objects to register
styleCategoriesa list of one or more categories to list the style in (list of NSStrings)
+ (void) registerStylesFromArray: (NSArray *)  styles
inCategories: (NSArray *)  styleCategories
ignoringDuplicateNames: (BOOL ignoreDupes 

Register a list of styles with the registry.

See notes for registerStyle: if the categories do not exist they are created. Note that the "recently added" list is temporarily disabled by this method, reflecting the intention that it is used for pre-registering a number of styles in bulk.

stylesan array of DKStyle objects to register
styleCategoriesa list of one or more categories to list the style in (list of NSStrings)
ignoreDupesif YES, styles whose names are already known are skipped.
- (void) removeAllStyles

Set the registry empty.

Removes all styles from the registry, clears the "recently added" and "recently used" lists, and removes all categories except the default category.

+ (void) resetRegistry

Reset the registry back to a "first run" condition.

This removes ALL styles from the registry, thereby unregistering them. It then starts over with the DK defaults. This puts the registry into the same state that it was in on the very first run of the client app, when there are no saved defaults. This method should be used carefully - the caller may want to confirm the action beforehand with the user.

+ (void) saveDefaults

Saves the registry to the current user defaults.

- (void) setNeedsUIUpdate
+ (void) setNeedsUIUpdate

Send a notification that the contents of the registry has changed so any UI displaying it should be updated.

The notification's object is the shared style registry

+ (void) setShouldNotAddDKDefaultCategory: (BOOL noDKDefaults

Sets whether DK defaults category containing the default styles shoul dbe registered when the registry is built or reset.

See +resetRgistry

noDKDefaultsYES to turn OFF the defaults
+ (void) setStyleNotificationsEnabled: (BOOL enable
+ (DKStyleRegistry*) sharedStyleRegistry

Return the single global style registry object.

A style registry isn't a true singleton but in general there would probably be never any reason to create another instance. Other class methods implictly reference the registry returned by this.

the style registry used for all general purpose registration of styles in DK
- (void) styleDidChange: (NSNotification *)  note
- (DKStyle*) styleForKey: (NSString *)  styleID
+ (DKStyle*) styleForKey: (NSString *)  styleID

Return the style registerd with the given key.

Styles returned by this method are not added to the "recently used" items list

styleIDthe unique key of the style. Styles return his value from - uniqueKey.
the style if it exists in the registry, otherwise nil
+ (DKStyle*) styleForKeyAddingToRecentlyUsed: (NSString *)  styleID

Return the style registerd with the given key.

Styles returned by this method are added to the "recently used" items list - usually you will use this method when applying a registered style to an object in a real app so that you can make use of the "recently used" list

styleIDthe unique key of the style. Styles return his value from - uniqueKey.
the style if it exists in the registry, otherwise nil
- (NSString*) styleNameForKey: (NSString *)  styleID

Return the style's name given its key.

The name can be used in a user interface, but the key should not. This gives you an easy way to get one from the other if you don't have the style object itself. If the key is unknown to the registry, nil is returned.

styleIDthe style's key
the style's name
- (NSArray*) styleNames

Return a list of all the registered styles' names, in alphabetical order.

a list of names
- (NSArray*) styleNamesInCategory: (NSString *)  catName

Return a list of the registered styles' names in the category, in alphabetical order.

catNamethe name of a single category
a list of names
- (NSSet*) stylesInCategories: (NSArray *)  cats

Return the set of styles in the given categories.

Being a set, the result is unordered. The result may be the empty set if the categories are unknown or empty, and may contain NSNull objects if the style registry is in a state where objects have been removed and the category lists not updated (in normal use this should not occur).

catsa list of one or more categories
a set, all of the styles in the requested categories
- (NSString*) uniqueNameForName: (NSString *)  name

Return a modified name to resolve a collision with names already in use.

Names of styles are changed when a style is registerd to avoid a collision with any already registered styles. Names are not keys and this doesn't guarantee uniqueness - it's merely a courtesy to the user.

namea candidate name
the same string if no collisiosn, or a modified copy if there was
+ (void) unregisterStyle: (DKStyle *)  aStyle

Remove the style from the registry.

Removed styles are still retained by an objects using them, so they are not dealloced unless not in use by any clients at all.

aStylethe style to remove
- (BOOL) writeToFile: (NSString *)  path
atomically: (BOOL atom 

Write the registry to a file.

paththe full path of the file to write
atomYES to save safely, NO to overwrite in place
YES if the file was saved sucessfully, NO otherwise