Vector and illustration framework for Mac OS X
Instance Methods | List of all members
<DKObjectStorage> Protocol Reference
Inheritance diagram for <DKObjectStorage>:
Inheritance graph

Instance Methods

(BOOL- containsObject:
(NSUInteger- countOfObjects
(NSBezierPath *) - debugStorageDivisions
(NSUInteger- indexOfObject:
(void) - insertObject:inObjectsAtIndex:
(void) - insertObjects:atIndexes:
(void) - moveObject:toIndex:
(void) - object:didChangeBoundsFrom:
(void) - objectDidChangeVisibility:
(id< DKStorableObject >) - objectInObjectsAtIndex:
(NSArray *) - objects
(NSArray *) - objectsAtIndexes:
(NSArray *) - objectsContainingPoint:
(NSArray *) - objectsIntersectingRect:inView:options:
(void) - removeObjectFromObjectsAtIndex:
(void) - removeObjectsAtIndexes:
(void) - replaceObjectInObjectsAtIndex:withObject:
(void) - setCanvasSize:
(void) - setObjects:
- Instance Methods inherited from <NSObject>
(NSString *) - description
(NSUInteger- hash
(BOOL- isEqual:

Method Documentation

- (BOOL) containsObject: (id< DKStorableObject >)  object
- (NSUInteger) countOfObjects
- (NSBezierPath*) debugStorageDivisions

Reimplemented in DKBSPDirectObjectStorage.

- (NSUInteger) indexOfObject: (id< DKStorableObject >)  object
- (void) insertObject: (id< DKStorableObject >)  obj
inObjectsAtIndex: (NSUInteger indx 
- (void) insertObjects: (NSArray *)  objs
atIndexes: (NSIndexSet *)  set 
- (void) moveObject: (id< DKStorableObject >)  obj
toIndex: (NSUInteger indx 
- (void) object: (id< DKStorableObject >)  obj
didChangeBoundsFrom: (NSRect oldBounds 
- (void) objectDidChangeVisibility: (id< DKStorableObject >)  obj
- (id<DKStorableObject>) objectInObjectsAtIndex: (NSUInteger indx
- (NSArray*) objects
- (NSArray*) objectsAtIndexes: (NSIndexSet *)  set
- (NSArray*) objectsContainingPoint: (NSPoint)  aPoint
- (NSArray*) objectsIntersectingRect: (NSRect aRect
inView: (NSView *)  aView
options: (DKObjectStorageOptions)  options 
- (void) removeObjectFromObjectsAtIndex: (NSUInteger indx
- (void) removeObjectsAtIndexes: (NSIndexSet *)  set
- (void) replaceObjectInObjectsAtIndex: (NSUInteger indx
withObject: (id< DKStorableObject >)  obj 
- (void) setCanvasSize: (NSSize)  size
- (void) setObjects: (NSArray *)  objects